NS4053 Winter Term 2014 Country/Region Indices
Country Indices/Rankings I There are a number of organizations that provide rankings of countries based on factors that organization feels are key to progress and sustained growth and development World Bank Governance Indices Voice and Accountability Political Stability/Absence of Violence Government Effectiveness Regulatory Quality Rule of Law Control of Corruption 2
Country Indices/Rankings II Heritage Foundation, Index of Economic Freedom: Rule of Law Property Rights Freedom from Corruption Government Size Fiscal Freedom Government Spending Regulatory Efficiency Business Freedom Labor Freedom Monetary Freedom Open Markets Trade Freedom Investment Freedom Financial Freedom 3
Country Indices/Rankings III Legatum Prosperity Index Economy Entrepreneurship and Opportunity Governance Education Health Safety and Security Personal Freedom Social Capital 4
Country Indices/Rankings IV World Economic Forum, Competitiveness Index Institutions Infrastructure Macroeconomic Environment Health and Primary Education Higher Education and training Goods Market Efficiency Labor Market Efficiency Financial Market Development Technological Readiness Market Size Business Sophistication Innovation 5
WEF Framework 6
BRICs: Voice and Accountability 7
BRICs: Political Stability/Absence of Violence 8
BRICs: Government Effectiveness 9
BRICs: Regulatory Quality 10
BRICs: Rule of Law 11
BRICs: Control of Corruption 12
MENA: Voice Accountability 13
MENA: Political Stability, Absence of Violence 14
MENA: Government Efficiency 15
MENA: Regulatory Quality 16
MENA: Rule of Law 17
MENA: Control of Corruption 18
MENA: Index of Economic Freedom 19
MENA: Entrepreneurship Large public sector has bred a lack of economic dynamism in region – further setting back employment World Bank found (2010) that MENA has some of the lowest firm entry density rates in the world Suggests a lack of entrepreneurship with rate almost four times lower than of Europe and Central Asia 20
MENA: Ease of Doing Business Region generally scores very low on World Bank’ Ease of Doing Business Index – even lower after 2011 – yet the private sector will have to create most of the jobs. 21
Social Capital There are a number of interesting patterns associated with the region’s governance. An often neglected aspect is social capital which incorporates Social networks and The cohesion a society experiences when people trust one another Empirical studies on social capital have found that societies with lower levels of social capital have experienced lower rates of economic growth Unlike physical capital, social capital may take years to show significant increases For the MENA region, low levels of social capital are closely associated with low levels of governance and entrepreneurship 22
Patterns of Governance/Social Capital 23
Patterns of Social Capital/Entrepreneurship 24
Governance/Oil Curse 25
Asia Governance: Voice and Accountability 26
Asia: Political Stability Absence of Violence 27
Asia: Government Effectiveness 28
Asia: Regulatory Quality 29
Asia: Rule of Law 30
Asia: Control of Corruption 31
Asia: Overall Economic Freedom 32
Asian Trade Freedom 33
Asian Total Economic Freedom 34
Asian Governance: Total Dimensions 35
Africa: Progress in Voice and Accountability 36
Africa: Progress in Political Stability, Absence of Violence 37
Africa: Progress in Government Effectiveness 38
Africa: Progress in Regulatory Quality 39
Africa: Progress in Rule of Law 40
Africa: Progress in Control of Corruption 41
Africa: Progress in Economic Freedom 42
Africa Groupings: Voice and Accountability 43
Africa Groupings: Political Stability Absence of Violence 44
Africa Groupings: Government Effectiveness 45
Africa Groupings: Regulatory Quality 46
Africa Groupings: Rule of Law 47
African Groupings: Control of Corruption 48
Latin America: Voice and Accountability 49
Latin America: Political Stability Absence of Violence 50
Latin America: Government Effectiveness 51
Latin America: Rule of Law 52
Latin America: Control of Corruption 53
Latin America: Total Economic Freedom 54
Latin America: Trade Freedom 55