Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols1 Welcome to CIS 5930 Internet Protocols Time: 5:15PM-6:30PM, TTh Location: Love 301 Fall 2004, 3 credits
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols2 Who am I? Zhenhai Duan Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science Florida State University Research areas: computer networks and multimedia applications. Office: Love 165; Phone: URL:
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols3 Office Hours Love 165 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM, TTh, –or by appointments You can send me regarding this course –Subject: CIS 5930
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols4 What is This Course about? Understanding how TCP/IP is implemented in real systems by –Studying the design and implementation in a popular system (Linux) –Hands-on project Getting some sense of general networking research issues by –Paper reading and critique
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols5 Course Prerequisites Two key prerequisites –Familiar with TCP/IP protocol and general networking concepts CEN5515 Data and Computer Communications or equivalent courses –Comfortable with Unix/C programming COP5570 Advanced Unix Programming or equivalent courses –Talk with me if you are not sure. Willing to learn and work hard
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols6 Textbooks Required –The Linux Networking Architecture: Design and Implementation of Network Protocols in the Linux Kernel. ISBN Optional –TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1 and 2. ISBN , X –Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment. ISBN –Unix Network Programming: The Sockets Networking API, Volume 1. ISBN
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols7 Class Information Class website – Fall04/cis5930.htmhttp:// Fall04/cis5930.htm Announcement page –Check this page regularly
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols8 Course Requirements Do assigned readings –Be prepared; read textbook/lectures before class Attend and participate in class activities –Please ask and answer questions in (and out of) class –Let’s try to make the class interactive and fun! Workload –4 homework assignments: 20% (5% each) –Project: 60% –Final exam: 20%
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols9 Policies and Guidelines Late assignment policy –20% penalty for hand-in no more than 48 hours late. –Zero if longer than 48 hours No make-up exam –unless proof of emergency Incomplete, not granted –unless proof of emergency Scholastic behaviors –You are encouraged to study in groups, but do your work independently –Acknowledge reference/credits if receive help –Academic Honor Code enforced
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols10 Important Dates Assignment 19/9 (in class) Assignment 29/30 (in class) Assignment 310/28 (in class) Assignment 411/25 (in class) Project, phase 110/14 (midnight), demo 10/15 (10AM-3PM) Project, phase 212/2 (midnight), demo 12/3 (10AM-3PM) Final12/9, 5:30PM-7:30PM Subject: CIS 5930, assignment ID/project phase
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols11 Four Homework Assignments First: architectural principles of Internet, 3 papers Second: routing table lookup, 3 papers Third: general routing issues, 4 papers Fourth: overlays and peer-to-peer systems, 4 papers –All papers are online. Read early Some guidelines on the report –Up to two pages –What are the main points of the papers –What do you like/dislike the paper –If you work on the same subject, what you may do to improve the paper? –Inspirations from the papers –Others
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols12 The Project Phase 1: transparent bridges, IP, ARP, UDP Phase 2: TCP, OSPF Some guidelines on the report –What components/functionalities you have implemented –Briefly describing the main functions –Journey of the implementation, what you do first, second, etc. –Difficulties encountered and how you solve them
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols13 The Project (Cont’d) Now, let us talk about the project –Link to the projectLink to the project
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols14 Three network components Stations –End user systems, like your workstation/PC –Sending/receiving packets Routers –Forwarding data packets Bridges –LAN device connects routers/stations on the same LAN.
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols15 Network emulations Stations/routers/bridges are all software- based. Physical links/medium are emulated using a reliable TCP connection
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols16 Emulations Using a client/server model Bridges serve as servers You first start the bridges, which inform others their IP address/port number (real IP address of the machine on which a bridge is started). –.lan-name.addr –.lan-name.port You then start stations/routers. Stations/routers look for the IP address/port number information of the corresponding bridge (server), and using socket to connect to it.
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols17 Suggested running interface Stations –station –no interface routing_table host_name –Interface, routing_table, and host_name are all files Routers –station –route interface routing_table host_name –Interface, routing_table, and host_name are all files Bridges –bridge lan-name num-ports –lan-name is the name of the LAN –Num-ports is the maximum number of ports the bridge has (maximum stations/routers connected to the bridge)
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols18 Tips for doing well Realize what is involved Stay current Ask questions Get feedbacks Use different learning strategies Knowing what to expect from exams Persist Check out
Fall 2004FSU CIS 5930 Internet Protocols19 Questions and Concerns?