Gadarene demoniac-from bondage to freedom
Luke 8:26-39
before he met Jesus: running around naked
before he met Jesus: lived in the tombs not a house
before he met Jesus: seizures
before he met Jesus: broken all the shackles the guards tried to bind him with
What if you ran into this guy?
After he met Jesus sitting still
After he met Jesus clothed
After he met Jesus in his right mind
After he met Jesus told others about the great transformation
When we assemble a crowd this large there is always someone who is in bondage to sin.
It could be a bondage to greed
It could be a bondage to worry
It could be a bondage to bitterness
It could be a bondage to anger
It could be a bondage to sexual sin
It could be a bondage to pornography
It could be a bondage to alcohol
It could be a bondage to drugs
“I wish I could stop, but I can’t.”
“I’ve tried a thousand times to stop.”
“There is no hope for me to stop.” “Ever”
Well this story is straight from Jesus to you.
1.Satan has only one plan for your life- to destroy it.
He is always the deceiver.
“We aren't fighting against human enemies but against rulers, authorities, forces of cosmic darkness, and spiritual powers of evil in the heavens.” Ephesians 6:12 (CEV)
He tells us that Jesus is not who He says He is, but he is our enemy.
“Don't you know that if you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, that you are slaves of the one whom you serve as slaves of sin,
which leads to death, or as slaves of the kind of obedience that leads to righteousness.” Romans 6:16
It’s your choice.
2. Man cannot stop this sinful destruction on his own.
3. Only Jesus can constrain sin by transforming lives.
We still have to battle sin, but now you have the power of the Spirit to overcome it.
Whichever of the two natures you feed will dominate the other.
Jesus is the only one who can bring you out of bondage and into freedom.
Satan has lied to you.
He wants you to believe that there is no hope for your deliverance from his control on your life.
Jesus has spoken the truth to you today in this passage.
Jesus removed him from bondage, and He can do it for you.
Jesus replaced his bondage with a great new life, and He can do it for you.
Jesus gave him purpose for his life, and He can do it for you.
Who are you going to listen to? Question for the day: