Summary Events on the network Incidents Network reconfigurations Network operation Update on activities Tests Projects and various EL activities for other CERN groups: I nvoicing and payments EN/EL Activities 2 LSC - François Duval EN-EL30/08/2013
Network Incidents 3 DateFailureSubstation March 9, kV current transformerME10 Meyrin SIG Source July 20, 2013MP2 18 kV inter site linkPrévessin Main s/s + Route de l’Europe August 2, kV voltage transformerPrévessin Main s/s August 9, 2013MP2 18 kV inter site link - bisPrévessin Main s/s + Route de l’Europe 30/08/2013LSC - François Duval EN-EL Events list:
4 30/08/2013LSC - François Duval EN-EL 1.18kV TC FAILURE AT ME10 S/S Network Incidents
5 30/08/2013LSC - François Duval EN-EL Network Incidents - EHT611*10 Trip for Earth Fault Bus-Bar protection - TC installed in cubicle ME105*10 phase R blasted - No impact on operation; Swiss source was on idle - TC replaced with a spare - Fault analysis (EDMS ) reported the cause in component ageing 1.18kV Current Transformer Failure at ME10 s/s
6 30/08/2013LSC - François Duval EN-EL Network Incidents 2.MP2 18 kV cable link failure seen from the Prévessin Main s/s on Route de l’Europe
7 30/08/2013LSC - François Duval EN-EL Network Incidents - EMD223/BE Trip for Earth Fault protection - 18 kV Cable link BE-ME68 failed in 3 points - Autotransfert tests foreseen by beginning August shifted to September. - Cable repaired. - Fault analysis (EDMS ) reported the cause in component ageing increasing partial discharges. 2.MP2 18 kV cable link failure seen from the Prévessin Main s/s on Route de l’Europe
8 30/08/2013LSC - François Duval EN-EL Network Incidents 3.18 kV voltage transformer failure at the Prévessin Main s/s
9 30/08/2013LSC - François Duval EN-EL - EMD215/BE Trip for I max (3 Phase SC, 18 kA) protection - 18 kV TP (EMD213/BE cubicle) blasted 120 sec. after energization (cubicle damaged as well). - During commissioning, no impact on operation. - All internal parts of the cubicle were replaced. - Fault analysis (EDMS ) reported the cause in voltage transformer overload 3.18 kV voltage transformer failure at the Prévessin Main s/s Network Incidents
10 30/08/2013LSC - François Duval EN-EL Network Incidents 4.MP2 18 kV cable link second failure seen from the Prévessin Main s/s on Route de l’Europe
11 30/08/2013LSC - François Duval EN-EL Network Incidents - EMD223/BE Trip for Earth Fault protection - 18 kV Cable link BE-ME68 (PS machine) recently repaired & failed again - No impact on operation. - Decision made to not use it anymore. - Temporary (until LS2) solution found using one set of future MP10 Cable link already pulled (this link is made of 4 sets of 3 cables 4X15 MVA) - Fault analysis (EDMS ) reported the probable cause in partial discharge 4.MP2 18 kV cable link second failure seen from the Prévessin Main s/s on Route de l’Europe
1) Configuration before LS1 Network reconfigurations
2) Maintenance 400 kV Network reconfigurations
3) 66 kV works Network reconfigurations
4) Today (as before LS1 but for MP2) Network reconfigurations
Work in progress All LHC points : UPS replacement AUG improvement Maintenance on 18 kV Diesel’s PLC Maintenance 66 kV S/S New protection system 66 kV Maintenance HTB 400 kV More than 100 operations on the HV network during August 2013 higher risk of failure Network operation
Report on activities AUG tests on all CERN sites in % complete Safety network testsSeptember 3 rd “Autotransfert” testsSeptember 12 th Tests Progress of Projects Maintenance & consolidationPower transformers & S/S400 kV90% complete Maintenance, extension, consolidation Power transformers & S/S66 kV90% complete Replacement of the Protection System SEH9 – BE9 – LHC 1,2,4,866 kV85% complete New S/S and power transformer Meyrin Site MEH5966 kV90% complete
Report on activities Progress of Projects Cubicle maintenance (500)All CERN sites18 kV50% complete Switchgears extensionLHC1,2,5,8 BE3.3 & 18 kV 30% complete Switchgears replacementLHC 4,618 kV40% complete New switchboardsME59, BE91,BA566 kV50% complete New PLC system for normal/safety network B513 (ME43)18 kV90% complete New substation commissioning: HV & Diesel network, CCC feeders… BE9118 & 3.3 kV 60% complete SPS cable network: connections & commissioning SPS BAs & Prevessin18 kV20% complete
Report on activities Low Voltage: distribution & safety networks, UPSs UPS replacementLHC, SPS, PS, MEY25% complete New UPS distribution for the experiments LHC1,2,5,850% complete Consolidation Normal/safety networks PLCs & switchgears LHC40% complete New redundant distribution including UPSs for the CCC BE9160% complete Consolidation/replacement of 48V distribution BE, SDX1, ME49, SEH9…) 30% complete Switchgear maintenanceLHC mainly40% complete New power distributionPS ME8580% complete R2ELHC45% complete Consolidation for CV, EPC, CRG, Exp.Mainly LHC10% complete AUG reliability increase campaignAll CERN20% complete
Don’t Forget all the cabling activities reported separately Various
Invoicing and payments 21 The groups requested to pay in 2013 as much as possible the work done in 2013 Down payments exist in all EN/EL contracts( Not limited to LS1) Down payments are allowed with contractual restrictions For each order (OSVC) higher than 20 kCHF Up to 80% of the work actually carried out (No payment in advance!) Work progress is recorded once a week by the contractors in the EL information system Down payments are requested by the contractors, checked and paid by CERN in monthly settlements 30/08/2013LSC - François Duval EN-EL
Invoicing and payments 22 Accounting summary (after the settlements of August 2013). 4 installation contracts (C202: MZ-DRAKA, C209: SPIE, C210: EMTE, E094B: CEGELEC) Ratio is 1.3/( ) = 8% eligible but not yet paid EL is committed to improving this ratio for the 2013 yearly settlement 30/08/2013LSC - François Duval EN-EL MCHF Already paid in 2013 (charged on Group Budget Codes) Finished work4.3 CommitmentsWork in progress12.7 Down payments already paid5.2 Expected down payments in the settlements of September