REFORM MOVEMENTS “Fires of Perfection”
Usher in the Kingdom of God Reform emerges in response to great amount of social, economic, & political change Market revolution & Jacksonian Democracy created
Essential Questions: How does Finney change the religious beliefs and practices? Which reform movements sought social control and to reinforce the existing social and value structure? Which reform movements sought to challenge the existing structures? How do they reveal the paradox of the individual with in the community? How are they a response to economic and social changes of the period? What is the impact of each movement – degree of success????
The Paradox Radical Seeks to change social institutions, values, norms, relationships Seeks to free or liberate the individual Conservative Seeks social control and conformity in values, norms and relationships Seeks to incorporate groups into the social order and to preserve it
Characteristics Individualism and free will Self reliance Perfectionism – society can fulfill its potential Optimism – can create change and a perfect society Social activism and social responsibility Equality and democratization Hard work, moderation, thrift, self control, temperance emphasized Millenialism
Demands of Society v. Freedom of the Individual Helps to deal with the anxieties of the period Impact/emphasis differed N and S Vision of society “individual within community” Romanticism and reform
Catalyst: Second Great Awakening Finney – salvation due to free will – a choice Methods – emotionalism, Camp meetings, “the anxious bench” Appeal – frontier, small town, middle class Cane Ridge Rochester “Burned out” district
Second Great Awakening
Charles Finney
Lyman Beecher – Lane Seminary Concerned – Finney too emotional and too much emphasis on perfection
The Benevolent Empire
NY: “Burned Over” district
Religious Growth - American Bible Society
Itinerant Preachers & Camp Meetings
African Methodist Episcopal Church Richard Allen – autonomy & equality
Impact: Ties religion to the market economy Individualism and Opportunity Middle class values dominate Evangelical Protestantism = dominant religion in America
Cult of Domesticity Doctrine of two spheres Men – outer world Women – home, religious and moral values MC women – the home, the church, reform movements, sisterhood C. Beecher – education for women
Middle Class Family Values Decrease in birth rates Children as investment Romantic love and affection in marriage New norms of behavior Children as individuals
Childhood: Homer – Snap the Whip
Homer: The Berry Boy
Transcendentalism/Romantics Truth through emotion; knowledge through nature – go beyond intellect Importance of the individual Emerson – the Oversoul; self reliance Thoreau – Walden; Civil Disobedience Dark and light romantics
Emerson and Thoreau
Hawthorne, Melville, Poe
Dickinson and Whitman I am nobodyLeaves of Grass Who are you?
Hudson River School
Utopian Movements Separate from society Often more radical, challenging to society Redefinition of traditional gender roles
Examples: Shakers- Ann Lee Egalitarian, separate, celibate Oneida – Noyes, complex marriage Mormons – Smith – Book of Mormon Polygamy, rigid social organization, kinship New Harmony – Owens, socialist, no marriage Fourier - socialists Brook Farm – transcendentalists, salon
Mother Ann Lee & Shakers
Oneida Community
Joseph Smith - Mormons
Social Activism/Reform Meets need of the market economy Emphasis on social control Middle class norms and values
Temperance Most popular and successful (women) Drunkeness = social burden Concern for families Need for a sober work force Alcohol associated with immigrants Moderation v abstinence – political prohibition Maine Law 1851
Education - Mann Goal = public funding, tax support Opportunity (women, immigrants) Moral teachings and middle class values Teacher training Required education Divided N/S Divided immigrant & WC from MC
Asylum/Prison Reform: Dix Rehabilitation and control Schools for blind and deaf Limited success
Abolition Gradual v immediate emancipation Emancipation with or without colonization American colonization society American Anti-Slavery Society
Abolitionist Leaders Weld and Tappen – Lane Seminary Garrison – The Liberator anti-government position African American Abolitionists Douglass – The North Star - Voice Walker – The Appeal – rebellion Tubman – URR; Truth
Impact Support – medium sized towns of N Opposition – S, urban areas, WC – fears of job competition Increase division N/S Political impact – Gag rule Pulls the party system Uncle Tom’s Cabin – morality
Schism of 1840 Role of women Position on government and constitution
Women’s Rights Empowered through reform activity Declaration of Sentiment – Seneca Falls 1848 Stanton, Grimke Mott, Anthony
“We hold these truths to be self evident – that all men and women are created equal; they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights..”
Challenges of Reform Reform as a necessary part of democracy – plays a stabilizing function – permits adjustment to changing conditions OR Reform as a disruptive event – caused by malcontents What factors cause reform periods Does it serve the interests of some classes at the expense of others What tactics are available to reformers in a democratic society?
Significance:Antebellum Reformers -Walters Highlights areas of tensions – show the fault lines of society -- the disconnect between values and behaviors Presents alternatives to consider – what’s possible Process of adjustment to change – a democracy may need groups of private citizens who care deeply about certain issues – and who argue them loudly, persistently – even abrasively!