WHAT IS THE CHUPACABRAS? The Chupacabras, in South American legends, is a horrible monster that kills the cattle. The legend says that it is an undeterminated colour and it lives in the forest. It comes out to the fields and kills goats and sheeps.
CHUPACABRAS : THE ORIGIN Chupacabras was firstly seen in Puerto Rico in Eight sheeps were discovered dead. Firstly they thought that it could be the result of a satanic cult. But more than 150 farm animals were found dead during that year, and the Chupacabras had already been seen. The attacks continued in other countries such as Argentina, Peru or Brazil.
Main features It kills by draining the blood of the goats in the chest area. The dead goats are always found with three puncture wounds. It has spines on its back.
Sightings It's been seen in almost every country of South America. There are also cases in UUEE (Texas). In April 2006, Mosnews reported that Chupacabras has its true origin in Russia.
Solving the mistery The scientist Benjamin Radford concluded that the Chupacabras is a real animal. An analysis by a veterinarian of 300 reported victims of the Chupacabras found that they had not been bled dry. They got to the conclusion that the Chupacabras is only a coyote or a dog infected by the parasite Sarcoptes scabiei.