Europe Divided History 104 / April 22, 2013
The American military & the question of fraternization
Eastern Europe: Red Army Choirs and pro-Soviet “friendship societies”
Hamburg, 1957: boxing legend Max Schmeling as a Coca-Cola distributor
Marlene Dietrich (an emigré from Germany) advertises for Lucky Strike
“Learning from the Soviet Union means learning victory!”
Clement Attlee British Prime Minister,
France’s final defeat in Vietnam: Dien Bien Phu, March-May 1954
France’s war in Algeria,
De Gaulle “returns” to lead France, 1958
Konrad Adenauer West German Chancellor, “No Experiments!”
Ludwig Erhard West German Minister of Economics, “Prosperity for Everyone”
The Treaty of Rome (March 1957)
Jean-Paul Sartre, apostle of existentialism
Herbert Marcuse ( ) One-Dimensional Man (1964)
The “May Events” in Paris, 1968
“Heavy industry – the basis of our independence and prosperity” - poster promoting East Germany’s Five Year Plan
“De-Stalinization” in 1956: Khrushchev denounces Stalin’s earlier “cult of personality”
Stalin “beheaded” in Budapest (October 1956)
Soviet tanks enter the Hungarian capital
Alexander Dubcek ( ) “socialism with a human face”
Aug. 20, 1968: other Warsaw Pact states intervene to crush the “Prague Spring”