Physics of Astronomy Dr. E.J. Zita, The Evergreen State College, 5.Jan.2004 Lab II Rm 2272, PhyAstro /home.htm
TA = Emily Himmelright and (your name here?)
Outline Introduction to the program Jigsaw learning and peer instruction Survey + discussion Introduction to Modern Astrophysics Ch.1 Prepare 15-minute presentations Integrating Physics + Astronomy + Math Plan for week 1
Introduction to the Program Physics Astronomy Math Seminar Research Assignments and WebX Covenant
Seminar, research, and time budgeting Seminar: Relativity on Monday, Journal Club on Thursday (WebX) Research: Planning in winter, execution in spring Budgeting time: 3 x 4 = 12 hours science (MTR 1-5) 2 x 2 = 4 hours seminar (MR 5-7) 2-3 x 16 = hours preparation (reading, HW, team meetings, research…) Total ~ hours/week, so be sure to schedule in R&R, to stay healthy
Covenant, Clubs, TAs, Office hours Covenent: Please read the draft covenant online, to discuss tomorrow. Clubs: Society for Physics Students: join to get Physics Today Astronomy club: for Sky & Telescope TAs = Emily Himmelright and (your name here?) Office hours: 5-6 in the CAB (bring your dinner or snack) (Except this week I have to leave at 5:30 to testify.)
Jigsaw learning and Peer instruction Educational research shows that students learn best when: Actively engaged Working in teams Taking ownership of knowledge Expressing understanding in own words Here is our first exercise in peer instruction: a survey.
Survey and discussion Purpose: to teach your prof what we need to review, and to practice peer instruction Put your name on p.3 Please do pages 1 and 3-5 We will discuss it together After discussion, do page 2, then turn it in. After class, do page 6 (online covenant)
Intro to Modern Astrophysics Carroll and Ostlie = CO Basic astronomy Gravity + orbits Light + spectra Modern physics + QM Electromagnetism Sun and Stars Thermal + radiation Cosmology
Ch.1: The Celestial Sphere 1.1: The Greek Tradition; Team 1: Celestial Sphere 1.2 The Copernican Revolution; Team 2: Periods; prob Positions on the Cel.Sph. Team 3.a: Altitude+ Azimuth (p.10-13), prob. 1.5 Team 3.b: Right Ascension and Declination (p.13-15), prob.1.4 Team 3.c: Precession and motion of the stars (p.15-19), prob Physics and Astronomy (Figures from Freedman and Kaufmann, Universe)
1.1 The Greek Tradition The Celestial Sphere Geocentric Ptolemaic System Epicycles and Deferents Angles measure the sky: 2 radians = 360 degrees = 360 ° 1° = 60 arcminutes = 60’ 1’ = 60 arcseconds = 60 ’’ Example: Moon subtends 1/2°
Freedman and Kaufmann #1.30: The average distance to the Moon is 384,000 km, and the Moon subtends an angle of 1/2°. Use this information to calculate the diameter of the Moon in km. arclength D = d when is in radians
1.2 The Copernican Revolution Geocentric model actually uses MORE epicycles and deferents, but it is conceptually simpler Synodic period S = how long we see a planet take to return to the same place on the sky (e.g. near the same star) Sidereal period P = how long the planet takes to orbit Sun
1.3.a. Positions on the Celestial Sphere Altitude h = angle above horizon (depends on position on Earth) Azimuth A = angle from North
1.3.b Positions on the Celestial Sphere Right Ascension = longitude east from vernal equinox Vernal equinox = place and time of Sun’s crossing the celestial equator, going north Declination = latitude north of celestial equator
1.4 Physics and Astronomy Physics: What fundamental, quantitative principles explain the structure and evolution of the natural world? Astronomy: What do we see in the sky, and how do things move and change? Astrophysics: How can Physics explain what Astronomy observes?
Four realms of physics
Four fundamental forces
Physics, Astronomy, and Math for week 1: Astronomy (Freedman & Kaufmann) Ch.1: Astronomy and the Universe Team 1: Ch.1.1 – 1.5 (intro + angles) Team 2: Ch.1.6 – 1.8 ( scientific notation and distances) Ch.2: Knowing the Heavens Team 3: (constellations and diurnal motion) Team 4: (celestial sphere and seasonal changes) Team 5: (precession and time) Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences (Boas) Spherical geometry, Ch.5, Section 4
Candidate HW questions for week 1: Astrophysics (Carroll and Ostlie) Ch.1: Problems 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 Astronomy (Freedman & Kaufmann) Ch.1: Review: 5, 11, 12, 15; Advanced: 18, 20, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33 Observing: 42, 43 (Teams 1, 2) Ch.2:Review: 6- 8, , 16, 17, 20, 22; Advanced: 23, 29, 32, 34, 37, 38 Observing: 54, 56, 57 (Teams 3, 4, 5) Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences (Boas) Ch.5, Section 4, Problems 1 (a, d), 2(a), 4(a, b), 24, 25