The Taxonomy Table (Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001) Knowledge Dimension The cognitive Process Dimension Remember Understand ApplyAnalyseEvaluateCreate Factual Conceptual Procedural Metacognitiv e (Adapted from Anderson, 2003:29)
Dimensions of Knowledge Factual: facts a student needs to be familiar with; Conceptual: knowledge such as knowledge of classifications, principles, theories, models and structures; Procedural: knowing how to do something including techniques, skills and methods of enquiry, Metacognitive: knowledge of self and cognitive tasks and methods of learning and organising ideas
The Taxonomy Table (Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001) Knowledge Dimension The cognitive Process Dimension Remember Understand ApplyAnalyseEvaluateCreate Factual Conceptual Procedural Metacognitiv e (Adapted from Anderson, 2003:29) being able to compare various different ways and theories of doing the teaching and systematically work out what is the best way to go ahead in your circumstances writing a plan that suits your context knowing what should be in a teaching plan Understanding key aspects in session planning
4 Exercise On separate cards, list the different assessment method that you are currently using Discuss where each should go on the chart in terms of the type of learning that they are likely to assess; Then look in the pile of printed cards for examples of other assessment methods which you could use in your teaching and which you think could push students towards the right hand end.