L INES AND A NGLES Chapter 3 Section 1
P ARALLEL L INES Coplanar lines that do not intersect. The symbol that represents them is:
S KEW L INES Non coplanar lines that do not intersect but are not parallel. A BC D E F G
P ARALLEL P LANES Planes that do not intersect
P AGE 141 IN THE T EXTBOOK Look at Problem 1
T RANSVERSAL A line that intersects two are more coplanar lines at distinct points.
A LTERNATE I NTERIOR A NGLES Non adjacent interior angles that lie on opposite sides of the transversal. Both are on the interior
C ONSECUTIVE I NTERIOR A NGLES Interior angles that lie on the same side of the transversal. Both angles will be on the interior. Are sometimes called “Same-side Interior Angles”
C ORRESPONDING A NGLES Lie on the same side of the transversal and in corresponding positions. One is on the interior and one is on the exterior
A LTERNATE E XTERIOR A NGLES Nonadjacent exterior angles that lie on opposite sides of the transversal. Both will be on the exterior
Consecutive Interior Angles: D, F; C, E
T URN TO P AGE 143… Try Problems #1-10 on your own. Raise your hand when you are finished.
A SSIGNMENT : Group 1: Student Companion WB, Page all Group 2: Page 144, #11-23; #26-42 even Group 3: Practice and Problem Solving WB, Page 61 and 62 all.