World Languages Webinar Spring 2008 Robert Crawford Coordinator, World Languages West Virginia Department of Education
Overview Background of Office Plan Summer Professional Development Opportunities Pilot Projects Updates LEA FLAP Grant
Communication WV Connections Webinars Spring Fall World Language Distribution List County Contacts County World Language Teachers
World Language Strategic Plan Board of Education Presentation in January 5 Strategic Objectives 3 Key Strategies. ml ml
Summer Professional Development 2008 Summer Institute for ESL and World Language Teachers: Connecting to the World through the 21 st Century Classroom Marshall University/June Harless Model School at Kellogg Elementary July 14-16, 2008 Assessment, Technology, International Collaboration
Summer Professional Development CPD GATE Immersion Academies for enhancing Global Awareness Pre-K – 12 teachers of any content area Passport to Spain: Martinsburg (July 28-31) Passport To Japan: Huntington (August 4-7) Registration
Pilot Projects Linguafolio West Virginia LinguaPods Language Trekkers World Language e-learning course
Policy 2510 WVDE conversations with County Superintendents The teaching of foreign languages in grades 5 and 6 is encouraged. A foreign language course, in the same foreign language, must be offered for students in grade 7 and grade 8. Implementation of the foreign language program should model best practice and promote positive proficiency outcomes.
Other Updates Instructional Materials Adoption Review of materials at state level this spring/summer Visiting Chinese Guest Teachers
Announcement from the U.S. Department of Education Under this competition, as required by the fiscal year 2008 Appropriations Act, 5-year grants will be awarded to LEAs to work in partnership with one or more institutions of higher education (IHEs) to establish or expand articulated programs of study in languages critical to United States national security in order to enable successful students to achieve a superior level of proficiency in those languages as they advance from elementary school through high school and college.
Critical Languages Arabic Chinese Korean Japanese Russian languages in the Indic, Iranian, and Turkic language families.
Released Information Anticipate publishing the FLAP Application in the federal register and at by the end of The reference number for the FLAP LEA program is Need to register at
Anticipated Grant Awards Estimated average size of award is listed at $200,000 Estimated 12 awards Dates: Applications Available: March 27, Deadline for Notice of Intent to Apply: April 11, Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: April 30, Deadline for Intergovernmental Review: June 30, 2008.
Requirements for Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) Programs Show the promise of being continued beyond the grant period Demonstrate approaches that can be disseminated and duplicated in other local educational agencies May include a professional development component
Special Consideration Connect native world language speakers in the community with schools to promote two-way language learning Make effective use of technology (language laboratories, distance learning) Innovative approaches (language immersion, partial immersion, content-based instruction) Intensive summer PD
Focus of Proposals Articulated program of study. Each grade level of the elementary-school-through-college foreign language program is designed to expand sequentially on the achievement students have made in the previous level, with a goal of achieving a superior level of language proficiency. (2) Superior level of language proficiency. A proficiency level of 3, as measured by the Federal Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR), achieved by a student.
Factors to Consider Partnerships Matching of Funding Program Evaluation Proficiency Assessments Best Practice and Program Models GPRA Performance Objectives and Measures The number of students participating in world language instruction funded by FLAP The average number of minutes per week of world language instruction in languages funded by FLAP
Resources Center for Applied Linguistics: Foreign Language Assessment Directory (FLAD) FLAP home page Grants and Contracts Overview Forecast of Funding Opportunities-The Department of Education Discretionary Grant Programs Click on Chart 1 FIND and APPLY for Federal government grants