WESTELL Test Administration New Title III Directors PLANNING Information for District-level Administrators.


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Presentation transcript:

WESTELL Test Administration New Title III Directors PLANNING Information for District-level Administrators

Introduction This presentation contains general information for administration PLANNING of the West Virginia Test of English Language Learning WESTELL ( English Language Development Assessment ELDA). The WESTELL is a required statewide assessment of all students with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) in grades K-12.

OVERVIEW Timelines & Planning Tool Scheduling & Time Allotments Ordering & Receiving Materials Security Administration Training –Security, K-2, Scoring Speaking

DATETASK Jan 4-Jan 20Confirm Online ORDER Mar 15-18Materials Shipped Mar 22Materials Arrive (County Central Office) Mar. 29- Apr. 30 WESTELL Testing Window May 7Return Materials Deadline July 1WESTELL Reports Issued 2010 WESTELL TIMELINES

ocuments/DistrictPlanningTool07. xls WESTELL DISTRICT PLANNING TOOL SchedulingMaterialsTrainingAdministration SchoolContactDateOrderedRec'dOverageK-23~12 Scoring Speaking Security Signed Commu- nicatio n Labels Affix Tape Recorder Room Prep. Materials RETURN

Scheduling and Time Allotments The 2010 administration of the WESTELL will take place from March 29 through April 30, 2010 Districts may set their own schedules in conformance with the state testing calendar. Make-ups for absentees are permitted as long as they are in the testing window. WESTELL/ELDA is not a timed assessment. Local flexibility in sequencing of tests is permitted.

Approximate WESTELL/ ELDA Test Times ClusterListeningSpeakingReadingWriting K-2 Inventory minutes25 minutes1 hour hour25 minutes1 hour hour 10 minutes 25 minutes 1 hour 15minutes 1 hour Schedule and Time Allotments

Breaks Test Administrators discretion. A short break between Parts 2 and 3 of the Reading test and between Parts 1 and 2 of the Writing test is recommended. One 10-minute break between Parts 3 and 4 of the Listening assessment is recommended. The Speaking assessment will take less than 30 minutes, so no break is recommended.

Ordering Option for Speaking If you request Meas. Inc. to score Speaking you will automatically receive an extra tape with each student (3-12) materials for recording student responses If you request Meas. Inc. to score Speaking you will need to arrange for tape recorders for each individual student

ORDERING Materials- Overages OVERAGE materials will NOT automatically be shipped WVDE will order limited overage materials Districts with high incidence LEP students (50 or more) are encouraged to order 10% per grade cluster OVERAGE Please contact WVDE ) if you need additional materials during the Testing

Ordering Option for Speaking Counties Scoring Speaking Live –Barbour –Berkeley –Hampshire –Harrison –Lincoln –Marion –Monongalia –Morgan –Randolph –Roane –Taylor –Logan Counties Requesting Meas. Inc to Score Speaking –BrookeCabell –FayetteGilmer –GrantGreenbrier –HancockHardy –JacksonJefferson –KanawhaLewis –MasonMarshall –MercerMingo –NicholasOhio –PrestonPutnam –RaleighUpshur –WayneWebster –WetzelWood –Wyoming

Ordering Option for Speaking If you request Meas. Inc. to score Speaking, please note the following: 1.Please affix a student ID label to every USED speaking tape 2.Please separate out all UNUSED tapes and RETURN THEM ALL in an envelope marked Unused 3.Please double-check during the tape recording process to ENSURE STUDENT RESPONSES are indeed being recorded 4.Please make sure that students responses are recoded at standard speed.

Packages Shipped to District Coordinator Packing List – lists all materials in the district package Box List – lists all materials in each box/package District order Summary List – Lists all materials sent to each school, and lists district overage, if applicable District Test Coordinator Manual Return Shipping Labels State-Specific form Materials packaged for each of the schools Receiving Testing Materials District Coordinator Information

How District Coordinator Handles Materials Confirm that you have a District Coordinator Manual, return shipping label(s), and boxes for each of your schools listed on your packing list Send each school its respective box (you do not have to check each schools box; the school test administrator will do that and respective Student ID labels will be school specific) After testing, schools will return all materials to the district in their original school box Be sure boxes are taped securely Use supplied return shipping label(s) to send to MI Receiving Testing Materials District Coordinator Help Line Information Questions and Extra Materials Help Line: (8:30am – 4:30pm Eastern Time)

School Test Administrator Information Check the materials against the school packing list Inform District Coordinator of any discrepancies Inform Measurement Inc. of any discrepancies Receiving Testing Materials

Student Answer Folder Speaking Prompt Tape or Disc Listening Prompt Tape or Disc School Test Administrator Information Apply pre-printed student identification labels to the Student Answer Folders. For students who DID NOT receive a Pre ID Student Label, fill in the Demographic section of each Student Answer Folder. *Recording Speaking Response Tapes will also be included for Districts who are requesting Meas. Inc. to score Speaking. Listening/Speaking Test Book Reading/Writing Test Book Test Administration Manual Speaking Scoring Guide

Administration -Pre ID Student Labels Collected from WVEIS in late December Include all students with: –Active Bilingual Record –Placement Code E or M –No EXIT Date Districts must affix Pre ID labels to Student Answer document Districts will receive generic school Pre ID labels for each test that is ordered –Generic will be school specific (include county & school ID #s) –Generic will not be student-specific (will not include student ID #)

Pre ID Labels – Scenario A Have a Label for a Student BUT Student does NOT NEED Test –Check WVEIS file to see why Label was generated –Correct/add additional data to WVEIS –DO NOT Affix label to answer booklet –Destroy all unused labels –*NOTE- any materials that have labels affixed will automatically be sent for scoring. This causes extra costs and possibly inaccurate reports. –You will have the reasons not tested on the answer document this year.

Pre ID Labels – Scenario B Do NOT Have a Label BUT Student DOES NEED to Test – –Affix a generic school label for that student –If no generic school label is available hand enter information –Bubble (hand enter) student demographic information on student answer sheet –*Hand Entered information will always over-ride label –Example: Smith County, Jones Elementary enrolled a new LEP student on January 19 th Smith Co Title III Director included the new student in the number of tests ordered for Jones Elementary When tests arrive the new student will receive a test booklet, Jones Elementary will receive 1 Generic label but new student will NOT have a Pre ID label Smith Co Director will affix Generic school label and will bubble in student information on answer document

Security Concerns and Procedures Maintaining assessment security is one of your most important responsibilities as a test administrator. At all times, district and state procedures for protecting secure assessment materials should be followed. You are responsible for ensuring the security of not only the physical test booklets and answer folders but also the individual assessment questions and materials. Your responsibility for maintaining the security of the assessment questions and materials continues throughout the entire testing window and through the return of testing materials. Under no circumstances should students have access to assessment materials before or after the assessment session.

All WESTELL/ELDA materials are individually numbered with color-coded barcode labels. These materials must be accounted for throughout the assessment. BOTH USED AND UNUSED test materials must be returned to Measurement Incorporated after testing Grade K is ORANGE Grades 1-2 are Red Grades 3-5 are GREEN Grades 6-8 are BLUE Grades 9-12 are PURPLE * School Test Coordinators must ensure that the information on Student Answer Folders is completed in a secure manner. Security Concerns and Procedures

During each assessment administration, a test administrator must be in the room at all times. Reading, Writing, and Listening 20 : 1 Speaking (scored live) 1 : 1 Student-Teacher Ratio

Security Concerns and Procedures District Test Coordinator Information After Testing Confirm all materials using the school packing list Place header sheet on top of Student Answer Folders Put all student test materials (used and unused) back into the original box that came from the district Put all teacher administrator materials back in the same box All materials must be returned -- double check that you have accounted for and packed everything Use the Pre-Addressed Address Label to Return the box to Measurement Inc. immediately

Assessment Room Preparation Arrive at the assessment room early to make sure that it is ready for the assessment session. Assessment materials not in use should be stored securely and away from students. Before the students arrive, do the following (the STC must ensure that the following is carried out in a secure manner): Apply pre-printed Student ID labels to Student Answer Book (if applicable) For each student that does not have a pre-printed Student ID label, complete all required demographic information on each students answer folder. For districts who will NOT self-score their own Speaking portion, use a permanent marker to write the students name on his/her Speaking response tape. Return all materials to a designated secure location until the assessment begins.

The following testing materials will be used in addition to the ELDA Test Administration Manual: Listening Prompt Cassette or Compact Disc Speaking Prompt Cassette or Compact Disc Speaking Scoring Guide Header Sheet You will be shipped the following materials for each student: One test booklet containing the Reading and Writing Tests One test booklet containing the Listening and Speaking Tests Student Answer folder Pre-printed labels Assessment Room Preparation

Check the assessment room for possible assessment question clues prior to each assessment session. Charts, maps, and other materials in the classroom that could assist students with assessment items should be covered or removed prior to the assessment administration. Give each student a work space that is large enough to accommodate an open test booklet. Work spaces should be cleared of all other materials. Students should be separated by a reasonable distance to encourage independent work and to prevent collaboration. Plan to provide two # 2 pencils with erasers for each student and to have extra pencils on hand. Assessment Room Preparation

Scripted Directions Oral scripts for each of the four assessments are in Appendices A-D of the Test Administration Manual. The scripts include information on preparing for the administration, specific directions for administering each assessment, and oral scripted materials to be read aloud to students. The oral scripts should be reviewed by all test administrators prior to the assessment session. The scripted directions that are in bold print must be read verbatim to students. Appendix A = Reading ELDA Script Appendix B = Writing ELDA Script Appendix C = Listening ELDA Script Appendix D = Speaking ELDA Script

Preparation For Administering the Reading Assessment Practice for the Administration Prior to administering the Reading assessment you should: Read through the scripted administration directions (Appendix A) that you are expected to read to students. Assessment Setting Appropriate seating for each student Free from outside noise from the hallway and adjoining classrooms Students seated far enough apart so that they do not distract one another Students should not be seated at the same table or have the opportunity to see one anothers answer folders.

Assessment Materials You will need one of the following for each student taking the Reading assessment: 1.Student test booklet (and replacements in case of defective booklets) 2.Student answer folder 3.Two #2 pencils with erasers Preparation For Administering the Reading Assessment

Format of the Reading Booklets The Reading assessment is divided into three parts. You will be asked to read the scripted directions prior to part one and prior to part three. The format of the Reading booklet is as follows. Part 1: Short Passages. This section tests the students ability to understand information in short reading passages. There are one or more questions about each passage. Part 2: Instructions. This section tests the students ability to understand directions. There is a different set of instructions for each question. The student will need to identify which person followed the directions correctly. Part 3:Longer Passages. This section tests the students ability to understand information in longer reading passages. The student will answer several questions about each passage. Preparation For Administering the Reading Assessment

Interruptions in the Administration It is important that the test administration be smooth and free of interruptions. In the event of an interruption, follow the general guidelines below. These guidelines may be superseded by guidelines provided by your school or state testing coordinator. 1.If the interruption is serious and affects all students, stop the assessment at the time of the interruption. 2.After the interruption, restart the administration from the point where you stopped. Preparation For Administering the Reading Assessment

Practice for the Administration Prior to administering the Writing assessment you should: Read through the scripted administration directions (Appendix B) that you are expected to read to students. Assessment Setting Appropriate seating for each student Free from outside noise from the hallway and adjoining classrooms Students seated far enough apart so that they do not distract one another Students should not be seated at the same table or have the opportunity to see one anothers answer folders. Preparation For Administering the Writing Assessment

Assessment Materials You will need one of the following for each student taking the Writing assessment: 1.Student test booklet (and replacements in case of defective booklets) 2.Student answer folder 3.Two #2 pencils with erasers Preparation For Administering the Writing Assessment

Format of the Writing Booklets The Writing assessment is divided into three parts. You will be asked to read the scripted directions prior to part each part of the assessment. The format of the Writing assessment is as follows. Part 1: Open Ended. Students write responses to prompts. Part 2: Revise and Edit. Students choose the best answer to correct grammar and usage errors in passages. Part 3: Graphic Organizers. Students answer questions about graphic organizers. Preparation For Administering the Writing Assessment

Interruptions in the Administration It is important that the test administration be smooth and free of interruptions. In the event of an interruption, follow the general guidelines below. These guidelines may be superseded by guidelines provided by your school or state testing coordinator. 1.If the interruption is serious and affects all students, stop the assessment at the time of the interruption. 2.After the interruption, restart the administration from the point where you stopped. Preparation For Administering the Writing Assessment

Assessment Groups You may assess as many students as can fit in the classroom and meet the conditions described in the Things to Remember section of the test administration manual. Equipment You will need an audiocassette or compact disc player to play the prompting recording. The player must provide adequate clarity and volume so that all students in the administration can hear the Listening tasks clearly. Make sure that you test the sound quality of the prompting recording before the administration to identify an appropriate volume setting. Preparation For Administering the Listening Assessment

Practice for the Administration Prior to administering the Listening assessment you should: Read through the scripted administration directions (Appendix C) that you are expected to read to students. Listen to the first 2 minutes of the prompting recording then rewind or restart. Format of the Prompting Recordings You will receive one Listening assessment audiocassette or compact disc with your assessment materials. The narrator will read the entire content of the test booklet. The stimulus material is read two times. The questions are read one time, except for Part 5 (long presentations) – only 6-8 and 9-12 have part 5. Students have 10 seconds to respond to each question after the narrator has read the last option. Preparation For Administering the Listening Assessment

Equipment Testing It is critical that you test both the audiocassette or compact disc player and the audiocassette or compact disc before administering the Listening assessment. Follow the list below to ensure that the prompting recording will be audible to all students. Make sure that the audiocassette or compact disc is appropriate for the grade level being assessed. Place the prompt cassette or compact disc player at a centrally located place in the room. Turn it on and listen to it from each students seat. Are the prompts and timing signals easily audible? If not, adjust the volume accordingly. Make sure that the audiocassette is fully rewound. If the audiocassette or compact disc player requires batteries, make sure that they will last the entire assessment session. Preparation For Administering the Listening Assessment

Assessment Materials You will need one of the following for each student taking the Listening assessment: 1.Student test booklet (and replacements in case of defective booklets) 2.Student answer folder 3.Two #2 pencils with erasers Assessment Setting The administration room should have appropriate seating for each student. Your primary consideration as a test administrator is that students be able to hear prompting recordings. The room must be free from outside noise from the hallway and adjoining classrooms. Students should be seated far enough apart so that they do not distract one another. Students should not be seated at the same table or have the opportunity to see one anothers answer folders. Preparation For Administering the Listening Assessment

Interruptions in the Administration It is important that the test administration be smooth and free of interruptions. In the event of an interruption (such as a fire alarm or cassette/compact disc player malfunction), follow the general guidelines below. These guidelines may be superseded by guidelines provided by your school or state testing coordinator. 1.If the interruption is serious and affects all students, pause the prompting recording at the time of the interruption. 2.After the interruption, restart the administration from the point where you paused the prompting recording. Preparation For Administering the Listening Assessment

Directions for Administering the Listening Section At the start of the Listening section, pass out the test booklets. Each student should receive one test booklet. Students may NOT open the test booklet until the prompting recording is played. Make sure that each student has two #2 pencils with erasers. When students reach the end of the assessment, they are instructed to put down their pencils. Students should NOT leave the room at this point but wait for instructions from the administrator. Collect each students test booklet and answer folder. Preparation For Administering the Listening Assessment

Assessment Groups Because you will be scoring students oral responses in real time, the Speaking assessment will need to be administered individually. * In order to avoid subjectivity bias, it is recommended that any teacher that provides direct services to a student NOT be assigned to score that students Speaking test. (This does not apply to the Listening, Reading, and/or Writing administration). Equipment You will need an audiocassette or compact disc player to play the prompting recording. The player must provide adequate clarity and volume so that the student in the administration can hear the speaking tasks clearly. Make sure that you test the sound quality of the prompting recording before the administration to identify an appropriate volume setting. Preparation For Administering the Speaking Assessment

Practice for the Administration Prior to administering the Speaking assessment you should: Read through the scripted administration directions (Appendix D) that you are expected to read to students. Listen to the first 2 minutes of the prompting recording then rewind or restart. Practice using the Scoring Rubrics and Sample Speaking items. During the first two minutes, you will hear the administration practice tasks 1 and 2. You will discover that you will need to switch the prompting recording on and off three times: 1.Once to begin and end practice task 1 2.Once to begin and end practice task 2 3.One final time to begin and end the group of 16 operational tasks Preparation For Administering the Speaking Assessment

Format of the Prompting Recording The prompting recording has seven sections. Listening for the seven sections will help you keep track of how far the assessment session has progressed. The seven sections are as follows: 6.English-Language Arts Task 7.Mathematics, Science, and Technology Tasks 8.Social Studies Tasks 9.Closing 1.Practice Task 1 2.Practice Task 2 3.School-Social Interaction Tasks Preparation For Administering the Speaking Assessment

Administration Setting The administration room should have appropriate seating for each student. The room must be free from outside noise from the hallway and adjoining classrooms. Interruptions in the Administration It is important that the test administration be smooth and free of interruptions. In the event of an interruption (such as a fire alarm or cassette player malfunction), follow the general guidelines below. These guidelines may be superseded by guidelines provided by your school or state testing coordinator. 1.Pause the prompting recording at the time of the interruption. 2.After the interruption, restart the administration from the point where you paused the prompting recording. Preparation For Administering the Speaking Assessment

General Procedures During Assessment Administration For each test, give the student the test booklet that will be used and the answer folder. Explain to students that they will be taking a test. Inform them that they need to be quiet and that if they have questions, they should raise their hands. If necessary, the test administrator may repeat the directions or answer questions regarding the directions for all students who have difficulty understanding or following the directions. Test directions should be repeated verbatim whenever possible. If the directions must be simplified, the simplification must adhere to the intent of the directions and should not provide any additional information. Students should be encouraged to complete all exercises and questions and not to leave anything blank.

General Procedures During Assessment Administration When the assessment session has begun, check that students are marking and writing their answers in the appropriate places on their answer folders. Test administrators should not interfere with the students concentration as they check students progress. Except on the Speaking section, students are not allowed to talk during the administration of the assessment. Direct students who finish the assessment before the other students to remain silent. Teachers will provide materials for students to work on after they finish the test and close their booklets. Toward the end of the assessment period, but while students still have their test booklets, it is good assessment practice to remind students to complete the entire assessment. It is inappropriate to review a students test booklet after it is handed in and then give it back to the student with instructions to complete the assessment. This action would constitute a breach of test security.

When all students have completed the assessment, collect the remaining test booklets. Do not allow any student to leave the room until his or her test booklet has been collected. Collect a test booklet from each student individually. Do not allow students to pass around assessment materials. Allow students who have finished the assessment to work quietly at their desks. Have a supply of generic silent work to distribute to these students. Immediately after the assessment, and before dismissing students, carefully count the test booklets to ensure that you have collected all student materials. General Procedures During Assessment Administration

Procedures for Students with Accommodations Accommodations that change the content of the assessment are NOT allowable. For example, it is inappropriate to define words used in the writing or reading passages, any other stimulus materials, or the assessment questions. Accommodations in the administration procedures for ELDA are allowable provided that they are specified in a students IEP or 504 plan and provided for the ELDA. A students assessment results should reflect her or his true ability and should not be influenced by inappropriate accommodations. Any accommodations for an individual must be specified before the student takes the assessment and must be documented in the students IEP. Contact your District Coordinator for additional state guidelines on accommodations for the ELDA. Accommodations should always be related to the students specific disability.

Computerized Assessment: Students may use a computer to type their responses instead of writing in the answer folder. Spell check, glossaries, grammar check, dictionaries and thesauruses are not allowed on the ELDA. Word processed responses should be stapled into the students original answer folder. If a student with disabilities takes the ELDA, the administration of the assessment should be under standardized assessment conditions. Only those accommodations listed below or specifically identified in the students IEP or 504 plan may be provided. The following accommodations may be provided to students with disabilities on the ELDA (in addition to any accommodations specified in the students IEP or 504 plan.): Procedures for Students with Accommodations

Dictation of Responses: Students who are unable to write due to a disability are allowed to dictate their responses to a transcriber or into an audio recorder for the Reading and Listening ELDA. The students answers should be transferred onto the students original answer folder. A scribe may not be used for the Writing ELDA. Extended/Adjusted Time: The ELDA is an untimed assessment. For students whose attention span or behavior interferes with regular testing sessions, test administration may be altered to allow for a number of shorter testing sessions. Testing may also be stopped and continued at a later time if behavior interferes with the testing session. The time of day the test is administered may also be adjusted to be most beneficial to the student. All testing sessions MUST be completed within the allotted testing window. Individual/Small Group Administration: Tests may be administered to a small group or an individual requiring more attention than can be provided in a large group administration. Procedures for Students with Accommodations

Modified Test Booklets Braille and Large Print versions of the Reading and Writing ELDA only are available upon request. If students within your school require modified assessment materials, contact your District Test Coordinator. District Test Coordinators should contact Measurement Incorporated to order these materials. Procedures for Students with Accommodations

Take a replacement answer folder from the overage supply. Print the students name on the new answer folder. Direct the student to continue with the new answer folder. Staple the students replacement answer folder to the original. After the assessment, return all of the students used testing material (defective and replacement) with the other testing materials. A student might receive an incomplete or defective answer folder. Instruct the student to raise his or her hand and then follow the steps below with the student. Procedures for Students with Accommodations

Things to Remember Before You Begin: Verify that you have received the correct number of assessment materials from your STC. Gather and organize all necessary materials: student test materials, supply of sharpened # 2 pencils (pens may not be used), this Administration Manual, Speaking Scoring Guide, prompting cassettes, and silent work for students. Arrange for a quiet, comfortable, well-lighted, distraction-free setting in which to assess students. Decide whether to give students breaks between the assessment sessions. Be aware that if assessment groups exceed the numbers specified for each section of the assessment, a proctor must be present in addition to the test administrator. Use one set of the overage testing materials as your own so that you can refer to each of the testing booklets while you are administering the assessment.

Things to Remember While Administering the Assessment: Use the scripts located in the Appendices of this manual. The script is written in bold type. Attend to students when they raise their hands. You may answer questions to clarify general directions, but may not answer questions about or read aloud any assessment material. Be sure that students are making their answers in the appropriate places on their answer sheet. Maintain a quiet and comfortable environment in the classroom. Stay in the classroom during the entire assessment. After Administering the Assessment: Thank students for their efforts on the assessment. Collect all student booklets and return the materials to the STC.

Training- Test Administrator Test Administrators Manual is available on-line and must be reviewed prior to administration –K-2 –3-12 Speaking - Districts that choose the OPTION of Self-scoring Speaking must provide appropriate training on Speaking Scoring Rubrics Security- Training materials and Code of Ethics/Security Agreement is available on-line and must be reviewed & signed prior to administration

Training - Test Administrator Test Administrators Training (2 options) –Web Conference March 9 th (9:00-11:00) OR –Local training coordinated by District Test Coordinators Additional training may be scheduled upon request

UPDATES – K-2 K-2 Inventory Items are NOT secure K-2 Test DOES have intellectual property rights Preview / Inventory Compilation may be initiated in advance of testing window K-2 Documents pre-loaded on WV website (through February 29) –Kindergarten Administration Manual (including Inventory) –Kindergarten Support Materials –1-2 Administration Manual (including Inventory) –1-2 Support Materials Teachers will receive hard copy materials along with 3-12 materials


Updates - NON TESTERS Non Testers are Students who: –Do NOT ATTEMPT any part of a subtest –Do NOT ATTEMPT any part of the ENTIRE WESTELL test If a Pre ID Label is already affixed and the Student ANSWER Booklet is Returned for scoring –Student will receive a score for any Subtest attempted –Student will receive a NA for any Subtest NOT attempted –Student will receive a NA for Composite if NO SUBTEST was attempted

Communication Documents on WVConnections website –FAQ Document for distribution –Student Excuse Letter Local Communication Venues –ESL newsletter –Parent Involvement Committees –Principal meetings

Need Help? ELDA Helpline Mami Itamochi or Debbie Ray ( or or