Human Development
Growth: generally refers to changes in size
Development: Development: occurs through maturation of physical & mental capacities & learning
Health care workers need to be familiar with each developmental stage in order to recognize abnormal Physical and behavioral changes and provide quality healthcare.
Life Stages
language of newborn is the cry usually eats every 2 to 3 hours uncoordinated movements toothless poor vision (focusing range 8 to 12 inches) usually doubles weight by 9 months responds to human voice & touch
Early Childhood
One-Year Old
change from plump baby to leaner more muscular toddler begins to walk & talk ability for passive language (better understanding of what’s being said) tentative sense of independence determined explorer
Two-Year Old
begins to communicate verbally (name, etc.) can usually speak in 3 to 4 word sentences famous for negative behavior “NO!” to everything! temper tantrums will play side by side other children, but does not actively play with them great imitators
Three-Year Old
wants to be just like parents vocabulary & pronunciation continue to expand climbs stairs with alternating feet can briefly stand on one foot
Four-Year Old
sentences are more complex; speaks well enough for strangers to understand imagination is vivid ; line between what is real & imaginary is often indistinct develops fears (common fears: fear of dark, fear of animals, & fear of death)
Five-Year Old
-can hop on one foot & skip -can accurately copy figures -may begin to read - social with other children their age
Late Childhood: Preadolescence 6-12
both large & small muscles well-developed developed complex motor skills from independent activities to same sex group activities acceptance by peers very important parental approval still important
Adolescence traumatic life stage for child & parent puberty occurs extremely concerned with appearance trying to establish self-identity confrontations with authority
Young Adult 20-40
physical development complete emotional maturation continues to develop usually learned to accept responsibility for actions & accept criticism usually knows how to profit from errors socially progress from age-related peer groups to people with similar interests
Middle Adulthood 40-55
physical changes begin to occur: hair begins to thin & gray wrinkles appear hearing & vision decrease muscles lose tone main concerns : children, health, job security, aging parents, & fear of aging love & acceptance still take a major role
Late Adulthood 55- older
fastest growing age bracket of society physical deterioration (brittle bones, poor coordination ) some memory problems coping with retirement & forms of entertainment very concerned with health & finances significant number become depressed ; suicide rate is high
Individual Differences To Take Into Consideration Cultural & Sub cultural differencesCultural & Sub cultural differences –value systems, rites of passage, rituals Ethnic differencesEthnic differences –skin tones, facial features, language Religious differencesReligious differences Physical differencesPhysical differences –large/small, thin/fat, anomalies, disabilities PersonalitiesPersonalities –predisposition to be outgoing, shy, creative, etc.
Project Each student will be assigned a developmental stage. You are to make a paper doll to resemble yourself at the developmental stage you are assigned. You need to identify several characteristics of that developmental stage and emphasize the physical, mental, social, and emotional categories. Students will also emphasize their own cultural back ground with the following information: Ethnicity (race or nationality) Country of Origin grandparents were born) Student's birth place (where you were born) Family structure – nuclear family or extended family Authoritative figure in the home – matriarchal or patriarchal Spiritual background and special religious practices Health beliefs of your grandparents. Which of those health beliefs you still use and practice Family Significant beliefs related to death and burial
Project (continued) The project needs to be in the shape of a paper doll, approximately 8½ x11 or 11x17, and dressed for that age group. You will use pictures of yourself as examples in creating the paper doll. Use creativity and imagination to make your doll realistic. These will be displayed in the classroom. Research and ask questions about your family. Assessment: You will need to hand in a typed report including the above information. One student will be chosen from each developmental stage listed below to present the written report and tell about their families' history. You will be given 3-5 minutes. Development stages for Presentation: Infancy Childhood Adolescence Young Adulthood Middle Adulthood Late Adulthood