Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Undulator Cavity BPM Design and Status.


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Presentation transcript:

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Undulator Cavity BPM Design and Status

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 X-Band Cavity BPM Overview Cavity BPM system design Current status for prototype testing Planning for first article and production

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 LTU and Undulator BPM System Specification ParameterSpecification Limit Condition Resolution < 1  m 0.2 – 1.0 nC +/- 1 mm range Offset Stability < +/- 1  m 1 hour +/- 1 mm range / Celsius Offset Stability < +/- 3  m 24 hours +/- 1 mm range / Celsius Gain Error< +/- 10 %+/- 1 mm range / Celsius Dynamic Range, Position+/- 1 mm10 mm diameter vacuum chamber Dynamic Range, Intensity> 14 dBPC Gun 0.2 – 1.0 nC

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 In-Tunnel Electronics Block Diagram

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 X-Band Cavity BPM Design SLAC selective coupling design utilized to reduce monopole mode Solid Copper Body WR-75 waveguide output Waveguide transition brazed to body

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Prototype Cavity BPM Specification ParameterSpecification Limit Condition TM110 Frequency Dipole Cavity GHz20.0 +/ Celsius Loaded Q factor Dipole Cavity / / Celsius Power Output TM110 Dipole Cavity -10 dBm20.0 +/ Celsius 1nC, 1mm offset, 200fs BL X/Y Cross Talk Dipole Cavity < -20 dB+/- 1 mm range / Celsius TM011 Frequency Monopole Cavity GHz20.0 +/ Celsius Loaded Q factor Monopole Cavity / / Celsius Power Output TM011 Monopole Cavity -10 dBm20.0 +/ Celsius 1nC, +/-1mm offset range, 200fs BL

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Dipole Cavity Design Beam pipe radius = 5 mm Cavity radius = mm Cavity gap = 3 mm Distance beam axis to bottom of wg = 9.5 mm Waveguide= x 3 mm

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Monopole Cavity Design Beam pipe radius = 5 mm Cavity radius = mm Cavity gap = 2 mm Coupling Slot = 4 x 2 mm Shortest distance from cavity opening to bottom of waveguide=1.734 mm Waveguide= x 3 mm

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Cold Test Prototype Non-vacuum cold test prototype Removable end caps Accelerates test fixture development and cold test procedures

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Vacuum Window Prototype Cold Test Utilized standard CPI WR-75 window Silver plated Kovar/Glass vacuum seal Window cost $100 vs. $ 218 for Kaman coax feed thru Insertion Loss < 0.2 dB Return loss -20dB

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Waveguide Transitions Prototype Cold Test Transitions E plane from 3 mm to 9.53 mm (standard WR-75) Waveguide transition brazed to body Insertion Loss < 0.2 dB Return loss -20dB

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Before Soldering Transitions and Windows

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 X-Band Cavity BPM Cold Test Waveguide and windows soldered together Unit is vacuum tight except for removable end caps First data looks encouraging

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Monopole and Dipole Wideband Sweep

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Dipole Cavity Design Electrical Parameters PredictedMeasured Frequency GHz GHz Voltage Output2.77 mV/nC/µmTBD Q loaded Beta coupling0.334TBD X/Y coupling-20 dB-35 dB Temperature Drift168 KHz/CTBD

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Monopole Cavity Design Electrical Parameters PredictedMeasured Frequency GHz GHz Voltage Output6.2 V/nCTBD Q loaded Beta coupling0.096TBD R/Q normalized shunt impedance 36.5 ohmsTBD

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Surface Finish Test End caps and cavity finish received 32 finish (1 um) Polishing Monopole cavity end cap to approx 0.1 um Q improved from 444 to 682

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 In-Tunnel Receiver Block Diagram

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Prototype Receiver Specification ParameterSpecification Limit Condition RF Frequency GHz20.0 +/ Celsius Dx, Dy, Intensity Input Peak Power50 watts peakNo damage (limiter protection) LO Frequency GHz (2856 MHz*4) / Celsius 1nC, 1mm offset, 200fs BL LO Power Range+10 dBm Max.Provide LO for 3 down converters IF Frequency60 MHz Min / Celsius Noise Figure Dx and DY2.7 dB Max / Celsius Noise Figure Intensity (reference)4.0 dB Max / Celsius LO to RF Isolation40 dB Min / Celsius LO to IF Isolation45 dB Min / Celsius Output Power+14 dBm1 dB compression Conversion Gain25 dB typical20.0 +/ Celsius

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Miteq X-Band Low Noise Receiver Existing product line WR 75 Waveguide Interface Low Noise Figure (2.7 dB) Budgetary price for (3 channels) $

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Prototype X-Band Low Noise Receivers Conversion gain 27.5 dB Over 60 dB dynamic range Noise Figure 2.5 dB IF bandwidth MHZ Ready for ITS Installation

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Prototype Receiver Data

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 BPM System Test Approach Phase I Injector Test Stand ITS Install single X-Band Cavity and modified off- the-shelf down converter receiver Mount BPM on Piezo two-axis translation stage Phase II Bypass line or LEUTL test with PC gun Install three X-Band Cavities BPMs Bypass line test with PC gun to start June 06

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Injector Test Stand ITS Beam Parameters Charge- 1 nC single- bunch Bunch length- ~ ps FWHM for ps laser Spot size on final screen at 5.5 MeV ~ 0.75 mm rms, ps laser

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Phase I Data Acquisition Design Approach Instrument three channel down converters with Struck SIS ADCs 14-bit Single VME board will provide the data acquisition for 8 channels Epics driver complete Digitize horizontal, vertical position and Intensity 0 to 1 volt range Fit Data to decaying exponential at 50 MHz

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Phase I Testing Objectives Test prototype Cavity BPM, down converter, and data acquisition Generate preliminary compliance table to specification Gain operational experience to determine if translation stage is useful, what are optimum operating parameters

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Phase I Schedule Milestones Design and develop prototype Cavity BPM Prototype non vacuum Jan 06 Build single Cavity BPM Feb 06 Cold Test Feb 06 Install cavity BPM into ITS and Test Feb 06

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Phase II Schedule Milestones Refine design and develop First Article Cavity BPM and support hardware March 06 Build 3 Cavity BPMs March 06 Cold Test May 06 Install 3 cavity BPMs into APS PAR/Booster bypass line or LEUTL and Test June 06

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Phase II Testing Objectives First Article Prototypes evaluated Test three BPM separated by fixed distance to determine single-shot Complete test matrix

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 LTU and Undulator Planning Receiver and LO housed in shielded enclosure below girder 20 watt power dissipation maximum Presently BPM output on wall side BPM output flexible waveguide section allows movement for alignment

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 BPM Mounting BPM connects directly to the girder. Mechanical adjustment stage used for alignment BPM and Quad can be adjusted into position independent of one another

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Undulator Planning

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Production Phase Production of 2 BPMs for LTU 04/07 Production of 6 BPMs for undulator 04/07 Production of 8 BPMs for undulator 06/07 Production of 3 BPMs for LTU 06/07 Production of 8 BPMs for undulator 08/07 Production of 3 BPMs for LTU 08/07 Production of 11 BPMs for undulator 10/07 Spares 12/07

Bob Lill Undulator Systems – BPM January 31, 2006 Summary X-Band Cavity BPM development ongoing Brass body prototype (non-vacuum) ITS prototype (vacuum) Receiver Prototype ready for ITS installation Parts are assembled and tested Waveguide components received Data Acquisition SLAC providing constructive communications and collaboration