Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and Emerging Healthcare Job Trends Jennifer A. Vander Meer MSN/MBA RN July 23, 2014 CO-HPD Faculty Advisors Conference TMTklQ
The supposed impact… It’s estimated that, under the law, 32 million more Americans may have health coverage by about 15 million of those under the individual mandate and the rest under the Medicaid expansion, depending on the number of states that implement that provision of the law. (Boerner, 2014). Pyrillis, R. (2014, January 30). Affordable care act brings differing prognoses on what it means for jobs. Retrieved July 22, 2014, from differing-prognoses-on-what-it-means-for-jobshttp:// differing-prognoses-on-what-it-means-for-jobs Boerner, H. (2014). Hiring ahead. The affordable care act and 32 million new patients. Retrieved July 22, 2014, from planning/hiring-affordable-care-act.aspx planning/hiring-affordable-care-act.aspx
…we don’t really know
What we do know…. ACA quite specifically enumerates several wellness and prevention programs that will be supported under reform, – weight management – heart disease prevention – diabetes prevention – stress management companies/#ixzz38EqiIvbt companies/#ixzz38EqiIvbt
What we do know… The Association of American Medical Colleges predict a 45,000 physician shortage over the next decade, a trend that will be worse in rural areas that already lack doctors. – Nursing as one solution…
Nursing demand Nurse practitioners Clinical nurse specialists Nurse midwives Nurse anesthetists – Master’s degrees or doctorates in nursing Some experts expect demand for nurse practitioners to grow by 94 percent in the next decade.
Beyond the doctor gap… Workforce planning for the Affordable Care Act should also include a range of providers who can back-fill the new collaborative care model of the law. – RNs and Social Workers visiting newly discharged patients’ homes to insure treatment compliance – PAs – MAs, with expanding new skills mix training – CHW
What is an emerging career? An occupation that currently has small numbers but that is expected to grow much larger in the future; many healthcare careers fall into this category. The following healthcare careers are some cutting-edge occupational options available now that will rapidly grow in the future: – Wellness coaches – Patient advocates – Health informatics specialists – Fitness nurses – Holistic nurses – Gerontological nurses
Emerging roles Wellness coaches go beyond personal trainers to focus not just on exercise, but the entire concept of wellness. They help their clients eat more nutritiously, stop smoking, limit alcohol, and manage stress. Patient advocates help patients navigate through the healthcare system. For instance, they may help make sure a patient's insurance company correctly processes and pays claims. Patient advocates may be consultants hired directly by patients or they may be employees of hospitals and insurance companies.
Emerging Roles Health informatics specialists help develop expert systems that nurses and doctors use to make diagnoses and determine the best treatments. Health informatics combines healthcare, computer science, and information systems.
Emerging Roles Fitness nurses work with patients recovering from surgery or dealing with illness to help restore strength through nutrition and exercise.
Emerging Roles Holistic nurses, who may work in hospitals, doctors' offices, or wellness centers, help patients achieve health and wellness through holistic healing methods such as nutrition, herbs, meditation, yoga, and Reiki.
Emerging Roles Gerontological nurses work in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and patients' homes. These healthcare practitioners focus on taking care of the elderly, one of the fastest growing segments of our population
Emerging Jobs Community Health Workers (CHWs) – Provide care coordination and health coaching – Certificate program OJC CCA fall 2015
Healthcare-Jobs.pdf Healthcare-Jobs.pdf
Top 5 Emerging Careers in HC 1 Biomedical Engineer – $42/hour or $87,000 annually – 62% projected job growth 2 Dental Hygienist – $79,000 annually – 38% projected job growth 3 Occupational Therapist – 33% projected job growth 4 Optometrist – $98,000 – 33% projected job growth 5Physical Therapist – $79,860 per year – 39% projected job growth
Other Trending Careers Perianesthesia Nurses Speech Pathology Pharmacy Technician Medical Coding and Billing Administrator Occupational Therapy Assistant ______________
Emerging Career Trends Personalized and Regenerative Medicine – This burgeoning field focuses on customized treatments and gene therapy for more individualized and effective disease management and treatment. Robotics – This hot career involves the invention, marketing and use of advanced instrumentation devices to assist in diagnosis, surgery, treatment and care.
Emerging Career Trends e-Health and Telecare – This growing segment of healthcare includes monitoring, measuring and maintaining medical care via computer- based technologies to provide better patient care and prevent re-hospitalization. Medical Management – This fast-growing healthcare career involves planning, directing and coordinating the business of healthcare delivery.
Emerging Career Trends Integrative Healthcare – This trending career opportunity involves working with treatment protocols that combine both traditional and alternative medical practices.
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