INTRADISTRICT TRANSFERS Review 2009-2010 Process 2010-2011.


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Presentation transcript:


Data Total Intradistrict Transfers 1285 New NCLB Transfers 235 Total Interdistrict Transfers IN 275 (112 employment) Total Interdistrict Transfers OUT 543 (247 employment)

Challenges Keeping abreast of data Coordinating all efforts Responding to budget reductions Satisfying families & staff Keeping school and class enrollment balanced

The Timeline September September 15: Last day Intras and Inters can be displaced if space is needed by resident student Process begins: Inform administrators, clerical staff and parents of process and deadlines. Distribute transfer information (i.e. sample forms, newsletter inserts, flyers)

The Application Process Begins.. October Open enrollment begins October 1 st Intradistrict Transfer Forms distributed Completed forms returned to Student Services New for receipt process

Time waits for no one! November Reminder notices for newsletters Message: All 5 th & 8 th graders: Deadline for intras: Jan. 15 th Message: All 5 th and 8 th graders attending school on intras must reapply if they intend to continue in the same feeder pattern

The process continues December Forms are accepted and processed Keep reminding parents that January is just around the corner

Time is Up! (Grades 1-12) January Last Day to receive Intras: JANUARY 15, 2010 No More Intras after Today!

Kindergarten February 2/2: K Registration 2/13: Lottery (1-12) 2/26: Last day to receive Intras for Kindergarten March 3/12 Kindergarten Lottery

Time for Decisions April 4/15: Notification sent to parents, sending & receiving schools (6-12) 4/18 – 6/30: Appeals (6-12)

Elementary June 6/15: NCLB Notification sent to parents, sending & receiving schools (K-5) 6/16 – 8/23: Appeals (K-5) August 8/16: School Choice Notification sent to parents, sending & receiving schools (K-5) 8/17 – 8/23: Appeals (K-5)

Interdistrict Transfers January 1/16: Forms are distributed for June 6/30: Approval to District notifications are sent to parents August 8/23: Placement Option sent to parents & receiving schools 8/23 – 9/15: Appeals

Timely Reminder Intras and Inters can be displaced until Sept. 15 th if space is needed by resident student!

Questions? At your service… Student Services