Introducing –13 digit isbn Janet Broome
Isbn 13 – why should you care Affects Unicorn Functionality It is a factor in your upgrade plans –(1) Title Control Number – (Bibload report, match and load in Smartport –(2) Searching in WorkFlows and iBlink – isbn indexes, also “general”, “words or phrase” –(3) EDIFACT –(4) isbn validation
What are isbn’s for? isbn – International Standard Book Number - uniquely identifies the edition of a published book Created by the Book Industry Study Group (BISG) isbn’s are catlalogue numbers for books isbns allow for ease of use between:- –Booksellers, Publishers, Libraries
The Traditional isbn Now known as isbn-10 Example: Four parts including: –PART 1:Country code –PART 2:Publisher code –PART 3:Unique identifier for the particular title/edition –PART 4:A check digit (a calculated value) The check digit is sometimes the letter “X”
Side by Side Comparison
The new isbn Known as ISBN-13 Example: Five parts including: –PART 1:978(the prefix for now) –PART 2:Country code –PART 3:Publisher code –PART 4:Identifies the particular title/edition –PART 5:A check digit (derived with a different calculation) The check digit is a NUMBER neverthe letter “X” ISBN-13 check digit ≠ ISBN-10 check digit (usually) Parts 2-4 are derived from ISBN-10
Why isbn 13 The world is running out of 10 digit numbers Question – So why not 11 digits? Answer – An opportunity to jump on the EAN bandwagon EAN : Was the European Article Number EAN: Now International Article Number EAN is like the UPC UPC-A General Use barcode, as applicable to all products, except pharmaceuticals Isbn 13: The Bookland EAN
Timeline for isbn 13 Transition period for now –2005 and 2006 –Publishers issue both isbn 10 and 13 –Cutoff is January 1, 2007 ––OnlyISBN-13 to be issued ––979 prefixes will eventually be used, not just 978
LC and OCLC LC is putting ISBN-13 & ISBN-10 in consecutive tags –020 __ (ISBN-13 first) –020 __ (ISBN-10 second) OCLC is putting ISBN-13 in 024 (indicator 1 = 3) –020 __ (ISBN-10 in 020) –024 3_ (ISBN-13 in 024) Ask your MARC vendor(s) for their ISBN-13 practices & plans!
More detailed information
Why Should You Care It Affects Unicorn Functionality Title Control Number –Bibload report and Smartport “match and load”
Title Control Number Lookup – Access Point in Item/Search and Display
Title Control Number and Match Update – Title Control Number Source in BibLoad
Title Control Number Matching – “Match and Load” in SmartPort
Title Control Number Matching Title control number: long enough already (14) –Letter “i” + 13 digits GL3.0 GL3.1 upgrade will convert ISBN-10 Title Control Num to ISBN-13 –978 prefix is added “on the fly” –Check digit is recalculated As of GL3.0/GL3.1, 020 tag ISBN-10 converted toISBN-13 for matching –In both bibload and SmartPort (if using ISBN as match point) –If ISBN-10 is found in first (or only) prefix is added “on the fly” Check digit is recalculated “on the fly” –Database is checked for Title Control Num match on ISBN-13 form
Title Control Number is updated, not MARC data 020 and 024 tags are never altered Only the title control key is converted
Why should you care Searching (General, Words or phrase, everything)
Indexing Twice in GL 3.1 After upgrade works straight away on newly added records Works for any record that gets updated “Rebuild Text Database” to retrospectively convert records prior to GL 3.0 and GL 3.1 upgrade
Title Control Num and Searching : 3 scenarios Two isbn’s in 020 tag –ISBN 13 –ISBN 10 One isbn in 020 tag ISBN 10 One isbn in 020 tag ISBN 13
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 3
Why Should I care? EDIFACT
A suppliers EDIFACT tranmission may use ISBN EDIFACT Support of paired ISBN avaialable in GL3.0/GL3.1
Why should I care? ISBN validation ISBN validation has been available since ISBN 13 validation is available in GL 3.1 Patch for 3.0
Should I be concerned? If you are a library that imports and exports data Uses acquisitions/EDIFACT Uses Smartport Should be planning an upgrade to GL 3.1 (preferred)
customer or lower Question? I am a customer, I do not import records or use EDIFACT, but I do catalogue records with 13 digit isbn’s will searching be affected Answer? The isbn will be indexed as a 13 digit isbn
Upgrade Options for GL releases If you are at 2002 you need to upgrade to If you are at you can upgrade to GL 3.0 without upgrading to first If you are at you can upgrade to GL 3.1 without upgrading to GL 3.0