Team Shock Therapy: Tim Blake, David Bankhead, Travis McMillen 1
Background Process of Defining the Project Our Problem Definition/Goal Test Setups Procedure Design Matrix Future Work 2
Goal of Acoustic Research Detachment Create quieter NAVY vehicles Use lead-acid batteries to power their vehicles A ship uses hundreds of batteries Example: LSV-2 Cutthroat Batteries need to be replaced every 4 years NAVY wants to improve battery performance 3
NAVY Originally CCCV vs. Pulse Analyze rejuvenators Indications of health of battery University of Idaho Navy specs not design, need design project! 4
Project Definition Navy needs a reliable way to extend the life of their batteries. They are considering using battery rejuvenators. Project Goal Design a procedure/algorithm that the Navy can use to characterize their rejuvenators. 5
Figure 3: Internal Resistance Test Setup Figure 2: Discharge Test Setup Figure 1: Rejuvenation Test Setup 6
Discharged Battery Internal Resistance Measurement Rejuvenate Battery Internal Resistance Measurement Discharge Battery Perform Calculations Decision Matrix 7
Compared Spec Sheets35 Ah rating Renaissance RC-2A12-2BatteryMinderRenaissance RC20A Max valueMin valuestandard Capacity Restoration80%95%65%100% Internal Resistance %01 Time Taken (h) Renaissance RC-2A12-2BatteryMinderRenaissance RC20A Weight Capacity Restoration % Internal Resistance10%11%35%20%Legend Time Taken (h) % Terrible, do not use Okay Great 8
Automated control system Verification of 2 Volt batteries Quantify Internal resistance of batteries Compare constant current constant voltage to pulse rejuvenators First 10 min. of a rejuvenation. 9
Pulse rejuvenators work BatteryMINDer works the best Most important characteristics have been determined in characterizing a rejuvenator Difference between two batteries pulsing in first 10 min. Recommend pulse charging for the next charge setup 11
Acoustic Research Detachment of the Navy Jim Klein Dr. Herb Hess Dr. Greg Donohoe Dr. Touraj Assefi 12