Cyber Bullying Created by: Charlotte
Cyber Bullying: The act of bullying, threatening, or harming a person online through messages or pictures.
Netiquette: The right way to communicate or talk on the Internet
Cyber Safety: Being safe on the Internet in a responsible way
1. If you receive a hurtful message online, delete or ignore it. The can’t harm you if you don’t let it get it you. How to deal with Cyber Bullying:
2. If the harassment continues, save the messages for future help, and tell a trusted adult
3. Never post anything mean back! Making them feel bad doesn’t help anything; it can just lead to another person feeling hurt
4. If you see/hear someone being bullied, stand up for them. Let them know that you’re on their side and that bullies just want to see a reaction from you
5. If you’re on a social network and receive a disturbing comment about you, try using the “social abuse-reporting” tool. This can forward the message to someone who can take the offensive comment down.