Academic Search Complete (EBSCOHost) EBSCO's leading online full-text databases include access to full-text articles from peer- reviewed journals published by the world's most prestigious academic publishers. This content supplements existing library journal subscriptions, expanding access to important publications already in the library's print or e-journal collection. It also provides new access to many highly-valuable full-text resources previously unavailable to users.
How to Submit your Journal at EBSCOHost 1.Go to the main page, available at : Click on “ For Publishers”
How to Submit your Journal at EBSCOHost 3. You could submit as a EBSCO partner by clicking on the “Submit a Request to Partner with EBSCO”Submit a Request to Partner with EBSCO
How to Submit your Journal at EBSCOHost 4. Use the form to submit titles for consideration on inclusion on EBSCO products. The form is available at: publishers/submit-a-request-to- partner-with-ebsco