Taking forward the Next Stage Review Clinical leadership and networks in the North
Established in Spring 2006 Aim to raise profile of influence of pathology Largest and first in UK to take holistic view of pathology 10 PCT Areas/16 Labs 300 Members Clinical Leadership – Best practice/Advice Network of the Year 2007
Leadership is about seeing what is needed and making it happen....building engagement, trust, respect and facilitating change
Where are we now GMP(LM)N enabled barriers to be broken down between primary, secondary and tertiary care, focusing solutions on patient care pathways rather than organisations.
Recognised need for Quality –Safe & Effective –Access, delivery, experience Person-focussed care –Fair, equitable & personalised
The aims Provide strong shared identity Ensure delivery of set standards Share expertise and knowledge Ensure effective communication Support and develop workforce Ensure effective and constructive patient and public involvement Develop appropriate infrastructure to ensure delivery
Recognised Need for greater clinical engagement –vs collegial and professional networks Need for more rapid innovation and adoption of new technology
Healthier Horizons in the North West
I will be living a healthier lifestyle I will receive more personalised care My NHS will maintain a healthy financial position and perform the best in class I will have better Customer care and an improved patient experience I will receive the most informed technologies as part of my care I will be more involved in decisions made by the NHS I will be given higher quality clinical care My family will have a better opportunity to live a longer and healthier life I will get more integrated seamless care, when I need help from more than one organisation I will receive more of my care closer to my home
High Quality Care for All Enabling framework with quality as the organising principle
Quality at the heart of the NHS Standards, outcomes - measured, published rewarded (quality accounts) Increasing focus delivery primary care Improved innovation and rapid adoption Academic Health Science Centres
Partnership with workforce Local development, social enterprises Better integration –Of staff (including outside NHS) –Of facilities No new targets Practitioner, partner, leader
So - the Government’s agenda An understanding that clinical engagement at every level is fundamental to success - clinical pathway groups will continue Leadership development is critical That it starts with world class commissioning That SHAs will create alignment at regional level
Staying Healthy Urgent care Planned Care Maternity Children Adults and the Elderly Mental Health End of life
Staying Healthy Urgent care Planned Care Maternity Haemo- globinopathy PKU monitoring Children Vitamin D deficiency IT Connectivity PKU monitoring Adults and the Elderly Lipid screen Clostridium Difficile HER2 HMD Mental Health Lipid screen Lithium monitoring End of life
What will take us there? The clinical pathway groups The networks Leadership of improvement not management of change e.g. Modernising pathology through action learning Opportunities for co-production (of shared visions) at every level - bringing collegial and professional behavior into the workplace Use of “with me” not “to me” improvement methods e.g. “Lean” Leadership development not “sheep dip”
Engagement grid Quality; effectiveness and safety The patient experience Access and equityIncome and expenditure