CLC reading program Nguyen Thi Thu Trang
In-class activities Assignment Assessment Add your text in here Reading program Objectives Contents
Reading 1 By the end of this semester, the students should have: improved their competence in using various reading strategies for different purposes, for instance, skimming, scanning, understanding unfamiliar words, and etc; widen their background knowledge by extensively reading a wide range of texts of different genre; expanded their English vocabulary in a variety of fields/ topics; reviewed different features of the English grammar to facilitate their understanding of English written texts; improved their reading speed and become more independent in and responsible with their own studies.
Reading 1 In-class activities –Theory: reading skills –Assignment: In-class reading –Discussion of language focus
Reading 1 ASSIGNMENT 1 - Individual work: –Collect one piece of reading text based on the theme of the week. (approximately 200 words) –Make the list of the new vocabulary and phrases. ASSIGNMENT 2: pair/group work –Choose one part of the available reading test. –Before class, analyze ways to do the test effectively and skills needed to do the test. –In class, facilitate for peers to do the part of the test.
Reading 1 Assessment - Group project (15%) - Mid term test (20%), - A portfolio project (15%)
Reading 2 By the end of this school year, the students should have: improved their competence in using various reading strategies for different purposes, for instance, summarizing, understanding author’s purpose, making generalization, and etc; widen their background knowledge by extensively reading a wide range of texts of different genre; expanded their English vocabulary in a variety of fields/ topics; reviewed different features of the English grammar to facilitate their understanding of English written texts; improved their reading speed and become more independent in and responsible with their own studies.
Reading 2 In-class activities - Theory: reading skills - Assignment: + Game + In-class reading - Discussion: of the theme and language focus
Reading 2 Assignment 1: Individual work –Collect one piece of reading text based on the theme of the week. (approximately 300 words) –Make the list of the new vocabulary and phrases. –Write a 100 word review of the text Assignment 2: Group work –For self-study: Work in your group and discuss the skills that you are in charge of. In class: Think of one game to practice the skill and deliver a feedback.
Reading 2 TASKSTASKING GRADE ALLOTMENT Assignment 1Individual15% Assignment 2 Group15% Mid-term test Individual15% Final examIndividual50% Attendance and participation Individual5%
Reading 3 In this subject we will seek to: develop students’ reading skills as to better understand different kinds of written texts in English enrich students’ background knowledge in several topics of the academic year develop students’ language awareness develop reading material that is grounded in sound pedagogical practice
Reading 3 In-class activities - Theory: reading skills - Assignment: reading tasks - Discussion: + Techniques of doing this type of exercise + Elicit the useful language use and cultural knowledge from the reading materials
Reading 3 Assignment 1: Individual work –Select at least 1 reading passage on the weekly theme –Make a brief outline or summary for each reading passage –Compile them into a Reading Portfolio –Indicate source of references Assignment 2: Pair work –Each pair will be in charge of a warm up activity for each reading session
Reading 3 Assignment 3: Group project –In pairs, choose one topic (Week 1- 6) and look for an article or passage in English. You must not use the passages in textbooks. Passages in authentic English are preferable. The article/passage should be from words long. They should be suitable texts to learn/teach the reading skill you have chosen earlier. The article/passage should not have more than 15 new words. –For the article or the passage, you have to: –design an exercise (about 10 to 15 questions) to help practice the reading skill that you chose earlier. –include the source of the article: author, year of publication, publishing house in the reference.
Reading 3 Assessment - Warm up activities (10%), - Group project (30%) - Mid term test (20%), - A portfolio project (30%) - Attendance (10%)
Reading 4 By the end of the school year, students should have: enriched their background knowledge in several topics of the academic year improved their reading skills by practicing various reading strategies and skills obtained in the first semester expanded their English vocabulary through reading practices
Reading 4 In-class activities - Theory: reading skills - Assignment: oral presentation of critical reading, flashcard - Discussion: peer evaluation
Reading 4 Assignment 1: Individual work –Deliver an oral presentation (individually) on the topic indicated for the weeks, 4-6 minutes –Conduct a discussion session on issues raised, 10 minutes –Hand in the written summary of the articles of your choice and your reflection, i.e. your opinion/ reaction on the issues presented in the articles. Assignment 2: Pair work –Take turns to design flash cards for new vocabulary taken from weekly reading texts –Share these flash cards with your classmates and cross check their learning of new words
Reading 4 Assignment 3: Group work –Choose any of the assigned topics (not limited to 6 as stated in the syllabus) and any of the skills and types of exercise as listed in the syllabus. However, you must make sure that each group will be in charge of a different topic. –Design at most 3 tasks to practice the skill(s) basing on the reading text that you chose. –Before class, analyze ways to do the test effectively and skills needed to do the test. –In class, facilitate for peers to do the part of the test.
Reading 4 Assessment - Assignment 1 (individual) 10% - Assignment 2 (pair work) 10% - Assignment 3 (group work) 25% - Attendance and participation: 5%
Reading 5 By the end of the semester, the students should: widen their background knowledge and vocabulary in the selected themes of the semester. further develop their autonomy in developing their English reading skills. further develop their skills in searching for appropriate materials from different sources. develop their skills in designing exercises and giving facilitation sessions in a reading class. develop their ability to read critically different kinds of reading texts from different sources.
Reading 5 In-class activities - Theory: Developing critical thinking skills - Assignment: facilitation, vocabulary - Discussion: peer evaluation
Reading 5 Assignment PART 1: INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT Select one reading passage on each of the seven suggested themes for semester 1. Write a brief summary for each passage (no more than 300 words) Read each passage critically and write a critique for each reading passage (no more than 500 words). Exchange your critiques with your classmates’ for comments. Compile all the passages, summaries, critiques and your classmates’ comments into a Reading Portfolio. Submit the first part of the Reading portfolio on week 7 and the second part on week 15.
Reading 5 Assignment PART 2:GROUP PROJECT In pairs or groups of three, choose one theme from the list of themes for this semester. Choose a reading passage on the theme. You must not use reading materials from textbooks. For the passage, your group needs to: –Design two or three exercises (at least five questions/ each exercise) based on the passage with a focus on particular reading skills (need to be clearly defined). –Co-facilitate a 40-minute session in which you help your classmates read and do the exercises. (Please note that: prior to the session, you can consult the teacher or your classmates, and at the end of the session, you may want to get feedback from your classmates regarding various aspects of the session like the types of exercises, the reading material and so on). –Write up your own reflections of the session in the form of a report (e.g. what happened, what went well, what did not go well, what solutions you found, what lessons you learnt, feedback from your peers, etc.). The report must be no more than 500 words. –Revise the exercises based on feedback from your peers, if necessary
Reading 5 Assessment - Reading facilitation (group) 15% - Critical reading portfolio (individual & pair) 15% - Mid-term test (individual) 10% - Attendance and participation: 10%
Reading 6 By the end of the semester, the students should have: improved the fundamental reading skills that have been developed since the previous semesters. furthered develop their ability to read critically different kinds of reading texts. widened their background knowledge and vocabulary in the selected themes in the course. had further practice in designing reading exercises and facilitating reading classes. furthered develop their autonomy in developing their reading competence in English. familiarized themselves with reading papers of CAE tests
Reading 6 In-class activities - Theory: reading skills - Assignment: facilitation, in-class reading - Discussion: peer evaluation
Reading 6 Assignment - Reading facilitation (group work) - Critical reading portfolio (individual work and pair work)
Reading 6 Assessment - Reading portfolio (15%) - Group project (5%) - 3 CAE Practice Tests (5%) - A Mid-term test (15%) - Attendance and facilitation (10%)
Thank You!