Using Electronic Sources to Find Information Kay Grieves Information Services, 2002
Outcomes n Identify and evaluate sources of academic information n Identify and select relevant electronic sources n Search the sources to find journals and articles n Find articles from abstracts and references n Customize Science Direct
Before You Start... n Identify what the library has to offer n Explore Information Services Homepage n Get a copy of the ‘ Guide for researchers…’ n Use the help sheets n Understand referencing system ie Harvard n Get the Passwords you need
Evaluating Academic Information n Authorship n Educational/ employment background? n Publishing history? n Frequently cited? Recommendation? n Publisher date n Intended Audience n Tone -fact/ opinion/bias n Supported by research evidence? n Relevance of publication
Finding Academic Information? n Where to find quality academic information? n Internet? n Journals? Electronic Journals?
Internet as an Academic Resource n Excellent for background information but remember : n -no quality control n -authorship and academic authority? n -not always reviewed n -relevance n -information overload !!
What are Journals? n Frequently published n Volumes and Issues n Articles, Reviews, Conferences n Different types of journals eg. Academic, trade, general interest etc
How to Identify an Academic Journal n Published by accepted academic sources n Written by experts in the field n Original research or experimentation n Peer reviewed before publication n Sources of reference cited
Academic Journals at St. Peter’s Library n Library subscribes to academic journals n Stock current and back issues
Finding Journals in Stock n Use: n Library Catalogue n Keyword searching n Subject searching n Provide you with dates and class numbers
Electronic Journals n Access to many now available through electronic sources eg n DATABASES and ELECTRONIC JOURNALS
What are Databases and Electronic Journals? n Searchable electronic sources of material n Provide references and abstracts to articles and entire full text articles in academic journals n Provide electronic full text versions of academic journals
Therefore …. n Using the internet but controlled academic sources
Abstracts or Full Text? n DATABASES OF REFERENCES AND ABSTRACTS n Bids Inspec n Web of Science n FULL TEXT SERVICES (E- Journals) n Ebsco; Emerald; Ingenta; Nesli; Science Direct
Reference and Abstract? n Reference - provides bibliographical details n - Author n - Title n - Source n - Volume Issue and Page Numbers n Abstract - provides a summary of the article
Full Text? n Electronic version of journal article
ACCESS ? n ON AND OFF CAMPUS n Electronic Information Network on Information Services homepage n Athens Password and Science Direct log-in
To Search for Electronic Versions of Journals n Use Databases and Electronic Journals to: n Browse full text electronic versions of journals n Flexible access to journals also in library and access to a wider range of titles
To Search for Articles in Journals n Use Databases and Electronic Journals to: n Search on a given topic n References to articles in journals that may be in stock in the library n … and that although not in the library you will be able to obtain from elsewhere
Searching for Articles n Search using keywords
Thinking of your Search Strategy n Think of key themes n Think of keywords and synonyms n Grammar and spelling n Different Combinations of words and phrases n And/or/not n Date range n Title fields etc. n Built in thesauri n KEEP A RECORD OF SEARCHES - use save history options
Full Text Articles n Some sources will provide you with full text articles n NESLI ( includes Science Direct titles)
Abstracts and Full Text n Some sources will find both abstracts and full text articles n Ebsco, Bids Ingenta, Emerald, Science Direct
Abstracts and References n Some sources provide abstracts and references n Bids Inspec, Web of Science
How to Find the Full Article n Check ‘FIND A JOURNAL’ n Check Library Catalogue (no electronic links) n Apply to INTER-LIBRARY LOANS
Using Other Libraries n ACCESS TO OTHER LIBRARIES n Newcastle n UNN n Teeside n UK Libraries Plus n INTER-LIBRARY LOANS n 65 Free for You n Document Delivery n Notification for Books
Advanced Features on Science Direct n Customising Science Direct will SAVE YOU TIME!
Advanced Features of Science Direct... n Saved history n Recall searches n alerts n Personal journal list n New issue alerts
Record Searches and Findings n Keep a record of how you have searched ( make use of save search history options) n Understand referencing system and keep a record of bibliographical details
Know when to STOP ! n Know when to STOP SEARCHING ! n And START WRITING ! n Know WHAT TO DISCARD
Summary n Identify and evaluate sources of academic information n Identify and select relevant electronic sources n Search the sources to find journals and articles n Find articles from abstracts and references n Customize Science Direct