Library Research A Guide for Senior Thesis I
What is a Literature Review? “A review of the literature is a classification and evaluation of what accredited scholars and researchers have written on a topic, organized according to a guiding concept such as your research objective, thesis or the problem/issue you wish to address.” Books? Articles? Websites?
Your Goal Your objective is not to rack up points by listing as many articles as possible. Instead, you want to demonstrate your intellectual ability to recognize relevant information, synthesize and evaluate it according to the guiding concept you have determined. Your reader not only wants to know what literature exists, but also your informed evaluation of the literature.
The Process Know what a literature review is! Examples of Senior Theses are “on reserve” in the library. Choose and develop a topic! Research, summarize, synthesize and evaluate! Write! An annotated bibliography is most helpful! Do not discard your USB or any articles you have gathered!
Timeline to Success First Class Columbus Thanksgiving Last Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Choose Research Write First Draft Revise Turn In! Topic
Library Hours Monday—Thursday 7:30 a.m.---midnight Friday 7:30 a.m.—8 p.m. Saturday 11:00 a.m.—5 p.m. Sunday noon---midnight
Reference Help Monday--Thursday 8 a.m.—midnight Friday 8 a.m.—8 p.m. Saturday 11 a.m.—3 p.m. Sunday noon--midnight
What Are Peer-Reviewed Articles? Where Can You Find Them? EBSCO (EconLit new!) InfoTrac (Academic OneFile) Lexis/Nexis Emerald (Business Management) Proquest--Criminal Justice Periodicals ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Wilson Web’s Education Full Text Journal of Intercollegiate Sports Google Scholar? Internet Web Sites? Boston Public Library Electronic Resources
New Databases from the Boston Public Library You must sign-up for a BPL e-card. My library account Get a BPL e-card JSTOR, MLA, PsycInfo and many others!
What Is Boolean Searching? ____________ and _____________ ____________ or ______________ ____________ not ______________ Movies Music Sports Athletics Advertising “AND” “OR” “NOT” print
For MLA, APA & Chicago Style Guides Go to: Select: Guides and Tutorials Select: Bibliographic Formats Visit the Writing Center!
How to Find Books Go to: Select:NOBLE Book Catalog Select:Keyword Remember Boolean searching ___ and ___
What is the Virtual Catalog? You may also request books from the Massachusetts Virtual Catalog! Go to: Select:NOBLE Book Catalog Select:Virtual Catalog
How long may I borrow books? You may renew Endicott books without limit UNLESS there is a hold. Endicott does not limit the number of books you borrow. Books from other libraries within NOBLE have different loan rules. We must abide by the loaning library’s rules. You may usually renew these books once.
Virtual Catalog and Beyond Books borrowed from the Massachusetts Virtual Catalog cannot be renewed. They must be shipped and returned within 56 days. Books borrowed from our NOBLE Interlibrary Loan Center (from across the world) cannot be renewed.
Managing Your Account Go to: Select:NOBLE Book Catalog Select:Login to My Account You will need your library barcode (bottom of your Gull Card) and a PIN (ask at the library).
Remember… If you register your library barcode and get a PIN Number (Personal Identification Number), you will be able to order your library books from other libraries in our network and renew your books. You may also check on your account at any time! You may now also request books from the Massachusetts Virtual Catalog! Make sure your current address, telephone number, address and library barcode are registered with the library!
How To Use EBSCO Go to: – – Library Databases If you are off-campus, you will be prompted to enter your library barcode number (bottom of your Gull Card) and your last name. To limit your search to peer-reviewed, click on scholarly (peer-reviewed) at every location.
Sample Searches customer behavior customer behavior and brands so=Journal of Market Research so=name of journal au=Driesener au=name of author ti=Comparing methods of brand image ti=title of article
Business and Industry Analysis Go to: EBSCO Business Source Premier Enhanced Business Searching Interface --Company profiles (Datamonitor) --Country reports --Industry profiles --Market research reports
Enhanced Business Searching
How to Use InfoTrac Go to: – – Library Databases – InfoTrac (Academic OneFile) – Proceed If you are off-campus, you will be prompted to enter your library barcode (bottom of your Gull Card) and your last name. Do an Advanced Search. Click Peer-Reviewed Publications. You may search by: Publication Title Ex: Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly
How to Use the Emerald Database (Business Management) Go to: SelectLibrary Databases Select:Emerald If you are off-campus, you will be prompted to enter your library barcode (bottom of your Gull Card) and your last name.
Lexis/Nexis Academic News New York Times back to 1980, WireServices, Transcripts, Blogs Business Company Profiles, SEC Filings Legal State and Federal Cases, Tax Laws
Lexis/Nexis Academic
Proquest (Criminal Justice) Criminal Justice Periodical Database indexes over 100 journals, newsletters and law reporters. Make sure you click “scholarly.”
Criminal Justice Periodicals
ACM Association for Computing Machinery Magazines and Journals Newsletters Full-Text Conference Proceedings
Building Green Suite Green Spec Product Listings Articles about Green Buildings Peer-to-Peer Comments 200 Project Case Studies
Journal of Intercollegiate Sport Theoretical and practical research on sport in higher education
WilsonWeb Education Full Text International in Scope Several Hundred Journals Nearly Half Full-Text
Find the Journal? Find the Article? Go to: Journal Titles **This strategy may help you find half of your sources!
Journal Titles
Tips for Success Visit the library often. Organize your information and keep track of the articles you requested. Save copies of your articles. Constantly save your work on , cd-rom. Go to the Writing Center often. Plan ahead. Get enough sleep. Eat properly. “Start Earlier.”
Good Luck! Looking forward to seeing you walk across the stage at Commencement next May!