Embedded in the Future: Integrating Library Tools in Students’ Online Research Environments Julia Bauder and Elizabeth Rodrigues Grinnell College Libraries ILA/ACRL Spring Conference 17 April 2009
Where do students conduct academic research online? Search engines Course management sites …not the library homepage
How do we meet them there? Search widgets LibX Pop-out chat reference
Search Widgets
What are search widgets?
How do I build a search widget? A few of the available widget tools: Ebsco Search Box Builder Proquest Search Widgets Gale Search Widgets WorldCat …find someone to build it for you
Potential challenges Getting permission to add to courseware URL changes
What is LibX?
How can I adapt LibX for my library? LibX Edition Builder: ul/ ul/
Potential challenges Testing Promotion Keeping up-to-date Patron updates
Meebo Chat Pop-outs
What is Meebo?
Why use the Meebo widget as a pop-out?
Potential problems Pop-up blocker Javascript Accessibility
Literature Cited OCLC. (2005). College students’ perceptions of libraries and information resources. Accessed on April 6, 2009 from Thomas, C., & McDonald, R.H. (2006). Millennial net value(s): Disconnects between libraries and the information age mindset. Educause Quarterly 29:4. Accessed on April 6, 2009 from
Questions? Links and code from this presentation can be found at: omepage/ilaacrllinks.html/ omepage/ilaacrllinks.html/
Thank you for your time! Julia Bauder: Elizabeth Rodrigues: