SLA WCC Annual Meeting November 21, :30 a.m. Pacific 9:30 a.m. Mountain and 10:30 a.m. Central time
Agenda o Call to Order o Welcome and Regrets o Adoption of Agenda o Approval of 2011 AGM Minutes o Annual Reports o Awards Presentation o Nominations and Elections o Incoming President’s remarks o New Business o 2011 Officers and Committee Chairs o Announcements o Motion to Adjourn o
o Adoption of the Agenda o Approval of the Minutes of the 2011 Annual General Meeting: November 23, 2011 Agenda
Chapter Finances Treasurer, Lingbo Yan
Current Account Balance (As of October 3, 2012) TD Canada Trust Chequing Account Balance $8,664.56
Revenue by Category (As of October 3, 2012) Dues Allotment ………………$ Meeting Income………………$ Sponsorship ………………….$ 0.0 Interest Income..…..………...$ 2.44 Total $ 72.44
Expenses by Category (October 3, 2012 See budget for all categories) Programming….…….$ $ Teleconferencing ….$ $ Awards ……………..…$ 2,092.00$ Executive …………....$ 3,959.81$ (Leadership Summit & Annual Conference) Postage & supplies…$ 72.62$ Total…………………$ 7,629.36$ 2,528.10
Income less Expenses (As of October 3, 2012) SLA Allotment (USD) $2, Difference …….… ~-$ Total Income……. $ 5,913.95$ Total Expenses …$ 7,629.36$ 2, Difference …….… - $ 1, $ 2,455.66
Communications Communications Director, Adrian Mitescu
Communications Website: Wired West (thanks to Ann Dreolini) Discussion List (thanks to Alex McNeur) LinkedIn – search SLA Western Chapter Flickr:
Website statistics: (via Awstats) November 2011 to October ,608 (1,979 last year) average visits / month 11,928 (8,266) average pages viewed / month 664 (499) average unique visitors / month Most traffic in November 2011, May, June, October % visitors from Canada, 10% - US
Website statistics: Visitors 97% (92% last year) direct address, bookmarks, links from s 2% (7%) search engines (Google) 1% (1%) links on other sites
Website statistics: Most popular pages (excluding homepage & main RSS feed) 1. Jobs page + its RSS feed (by far) ~90% 2. Programs pages 3. Member benefits page 4. Leadership page 5. Outstanding Professional Award page
Social Media LinkedIn Group: 179 members (114 last year) Twitter: 192 followers (147) Flickr: 84 photos posted (83); 369 (375) views
2012 and : New conferencing tool (Skype) 2012: Successful use of GoToWebinar 2013: Wider deployment of GoToWebinar / GoToMeeting (events, Board meetings) 2013: Photos, please
Bulletin: Wired West Edited by Ann Dreolini 4 issues published Submissions always welcome!
Bulletin: Wired West Information for each issue President’s message Chapter and SLA News Articles, topics, highlights, reviews Information on new members
Discussion List Managed by Alex McNeur 411 active members (416 in 2011) 38 new members (57 in 2011) 27 unsubscribed members (16 in 2011) 16 "bad" addresses (23 in 2011)
2012 Year In Review President, Richard Matiachuk
Membership (As of November 2012) from Membership Chair Evelyn Taylor Chapter membership212 o BC, Yukon, NWT126 o AB 52 o SK 15 o MB 13 o Other Provinces 1 o U.S. 4 o Bermuda 1
Services to Members o Professional Development and Networking o Victoria, Vancouver, Edmonton o Employment Listings o Discussion List o Wired West Bulletin
Student Support o Student Liaison Chair o Student Representative position(s) o WCC speakers at: o UBC SLAIS, Langara College, University of the Fraser Valley (UFV), and Grant McEwan University, University of Alberta and the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) o Awarded student memberships
Sponsors for 2012 o EBSCO - single event in Edmonton o / CEDROM.Sni - Canadian Reception
Thank you … SLA 2012 Board Officers President-Elect:Dawn Bassett Past President: Frances Main Secretary: Lindsay Tripp Treasurer: Lingbo Yan Communications: Adrian Mitescu Partner Relations: Rachel Zhao (6 months)
Thank you… SLA 2012 Board Officers Vancouver Director: Suzanne McBeath Vancouver Island Director: Iona M. Reid Edmonton Director:Lisa-Jane Watson Calgary Director: Kathy Drewes (6 mo.) Saskatchewan Director: Luella Newman Manitoba Director: Phillip Wolfart
Thank you… SLA 2012 Committee Chairs Archives: Catherine Lee Bulletin Editor: Ann Dreolini Discussion List: Alex McNeur Employment: Tania Alekson Membership: Evelyn Taylor Student Liaison: Lindsay Willson Student Representative(s): Helen Brown (UBC)
SLA 2014 Annual Conference Host Committee Co-Chairs Patricia Cia Christina de Castell
Thank you! Venues Provided by … Department of Justice Teck Resources
Outstanding Information Professional Award Awards Committee Chair, Frances Main
Outstanding Information Professional Award Debbie Millward is the SLA Western Canada Chapter’s 2012 Outstanding Information Professional
Debbie Millward: 2012 Outstanding Information Professional Debbie Millward has contributed to the growth and development of the library community in British Columbia and beyond through her work at PNG, as an advocate for special libraries within the newspaper industry nationally and internationally, through her work as adjunct faculty at SLAIS UBC teaching the Special Libraries Course, and taking on leadership roles including President of SLA Western Canada Chapter. Debbie’s lengthy career and ongoing development of new librarians deserves note and recognition within the SLA Western Canada Chapter, and beyond.
Nominations & Election of Officers Nominations Chair: Debbie Schachter Committee members: Patricia Cia, Barbara Holder.
Nominations 2013 President Elect:Adrian Mitescu Communications Director: Karen Sawatsky Partner Relations: Elizabeth Watson Calgary Director:Sarah Gustafson Saskatchewan Director:Chantel Dourtsen
Continuing Officers Past President: Richard Matiachuk Treasurer:Lingbo Yan Secretary:Lindsay Tripp Vancouver Island Director: Iona M. Reid Vancouver Director:Suzanne McBeath Edmonton Director:Lisa-Jane Watson Manitoba Director:Phillip Wolfart
Further Nominations and Voting
“Passing of the Gavel”
Incoming President’s Remarks
New Business
2013 Board Officers President:Dawn Bassett President-Elect:Adrian Mitescu Past-President:Richard Matiachuk Treasurer: Lingbo Yan Secretary: Lindsay Tripp Communications:Karen Sawatsky Partner Relations:Elizabeth Watson
2013 Board Officers Calgary Director: Sarah Gustafson Edmonton Director:Lisa-Jane Watson Manitoba Director:Phillip Wolfart Saskatchewan Director:Chantel Dourtsen Vancouver Director:Suzanne McBeath Vancouver Island Director:Iona M. Reid
2013 Committee Chairs Archives: Steven Gibson Bulletin Editor: Catherine Lee Discussion List: Alex McNeur Employment: Lindsay Willson Membership: Evelyn Taylor Student Liaison: Student Representative(s):Carrie Grinstead
Motion to Adjorn