Internet as a Resource for Language Practice Sonthida Keyuravong KMUTT
WWW A resource for information Uses of internet in ELT A tool for communication Non-dedicated web sites Dedicated EFL web sites writing projects Discussion lists Chats Jarvis, The Teacher Trainer (2002) For materials development For project work For language practice For discussion on-line ICT SKILLS Internet as a resource for language practice
Examples of dedicated EFL websites: (writing) (Listening) (Grammar & Vocab) comprehension/readingcompindex.htm ( Reading) comprehension/readingcompindex.htm (EAP) Internet as a resource for language practice
WWW as a resource for information: Dedicated EFL web sites Key words for searching EFL web sites on the internet: reading skills, reading practice, EFL reading, reading strategies, academic reading, etc. (+ other skills) skimming, scanning, survey reading, etc. English for Academic Purposes, English for Specific Purpose, Medical English, etc. Internet as a resource for language practice
KMUTT web site for practicing language skills Internet as a resource for language practice
KMUTT web site Do you want to improve your English? Use the KMUTT/TEFLAsia Database Choose from over 1,000 Internet exercises for practising your English How to use the database 1. Choose a topic to practise:Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening,VocabularyGrammarListening ReadingReading, General Knowledge, MixedGeneral KnowledgeMixed 2. Choose a specific area to practise 3. Choose a level of difficulty 4. Choose the exercise you want and improve your English Funded by: The Consortium of Thai Universities Database by Joseph and Mac Data collection by Chamroeun Kouen Internet as a resource for language practice
KMUTT web site KMUTT/TEFLAsia Database Over 1,000 Internet exercises for practising your English You chose : Grammar Choose a specific area to practise: Choose a level : Funded by: The Consortium of Thai Universities Database by Joseph and Mac Data collection by Chamroeun Kouen Internet as a resource for language practice
KMUTT web site KMUTT/TEFLAsia Database Over 1,000 Internet exercises for practising your English You chose : Grammar Choose a specific area to practise: Past tense Choose a level : Beginner Internet as a resource for language practice
KMUTT web site KMUTT/TEFLAsia Database Over 1,000 Internet exercises for practising your English You chose : Grammar Past tense Beginner Choose the exercise you want Name URL Internet as a resource for language practice