Acquiring New Lands Chapter 17.2
Spanish-American War Cubans struggled against Spanish rule Cubans struggled against Spanish rule American sense of outrage at another country’s imperialism American sense of outrage at another country’s imperialism US trade w/Cuba US trade w/Cuba US identified w/Cuba’s struggle US identified w/Cuba’s struggle Spanish atrocities/guerrilla warfare Spanish atrocities/guerrilla warfare Yellow Journalism Yellow Journalism Calls to protect Americans/American interests in Cuba Calls to protect Americans/American interests in Cuba
Spanish-American War - USS Maine arrives in Havana harbor - USS Maine arrives in Havana harbor Feb 15, 1898 Maine explodes – “Remember the Maine” Feb 15, 1898 Maine explodes – “Remember the Maine”
Acquiring New Lands 1. Puerto Rico Cuba The Philippines China Relationship to the United States Very similar to a colony or protectorate Very similar to a colony or protectorate US involved in internal/external affairs US involved in internal/external affairs Economic and political control Economic and political control Trading partner
Acquiring New Lands 2. Puerto Rico Cuba The Philippines China Why did the US try to control its affairs Of strategic importance Of strategic importance Panama Canal Panama Canal Protect American Business interests Protect American Business interests Provide US w/ raw materials and new markets Provide US w/ raw materials and new markets Honor Honor To establish and protect new markets To establish and protect new markets
Acquiring New Lands 3. Puerto Rico Cuba The Philippines China What laws and policies affected its relationship with the US? Treaty of Paris Treaty of Paris Foraker Act Foraker Act Platt Amendment Platt Amendment Treaty of Paris Treaty of Paris Removal Policy Removal Policy Open Door Policy Open Door Policy Imperialist Policies Stronger nations extended control over weaker nations – economic, political, military
Acquiring New Lands 4. Puerto Rico Cuba The Philippines China What violent events affected its relationship with the US Three uprising that led to US Occupation Three uprising that led to US Occupation Philippine- American War Philippine- American War Boxer Rebellion Boxer Rebellion Spanish-American-Cuban War -1898
Samoa and Hawaii Samoa Samoa Possession was negotiated through treaty Possession was negotiated through treaty Competition w/European powers Competition w/European powers Hawaii Hawaii Strategically important Strategically important American planters organized a coup – Queen Liliuokalani American planters organized a coup – Queen Liliuokalani Should economic expansion lead to territorial expansion? Should economic expansion lead to territorial expansion?
B. Three beliefs held by Americans that were reflected in the Open Door Policy 1. The US economy relied on exports to ensure economic growth 2. The US had the right to intervene abroad to keep foreign markets open 3. US survival was threatened by closing off an area to American products, ideas or citizens