CD cover analyse.
Hip-Hop. WHAT- Title. A man. Long road. parental advisory tag. HOW- The image is a man walking down a long road, the title as a recovery sign on it to match the title of the the CD cover. WHY- The man has been walking down the road because he might have a long life ahead of him, to show to his fans/audience that what he’s been through. The recovery sign on the title because it the name of the CD. The man looks isolated and his album might be about him and there might be happy and sad songs.
Rock. WHAT- Red door. Fire. Broken down wall. Other world. HOW- the door is red and not been damaged. There’s like a other world behind the broken wall. The fire has been constructed like that because it might be sign of evil. WHY- the CD cover has been put together like this because red is evil, and fire is like hell. The red door hasn’t been damaged that could be the door to hell because people who like rock normally wear devil stuff.
POP. WHAT- Splat of paint. Different artist (singers)-(DJs). Title. A lot of different colour’s HOW- The Cd cover has paint splats all over It has been constructed like that to suit the title “POP PARTY” The title is in bold in middle of the page, pictures all around the cover. WHY- The paint as been splatted like that because the title is “POP PARTY” it reprosant the pop and there is different pictures around the CD cover to let the listener know what’s going to be on the CD. And to attract the audience that like POP.
Love/Romance. WHAT- Love heart. Title. Featuring.. How- The background is white to make the heart stand out. The heart is in the center of the Cd cover. So is someone looked at this they would think straight away the Cd is all about love. WHY- The title is big and bold because to attract the reader and get the message across “TRUE”. The heart is in the middle and takes up the majority of the page because the CD is all about love. Its on a white back ground to make it stand out.