Final project
Connect Create a 10 song playlist based on the book that you read Songs must represent specific events/moments/emotions found in your book. You must write about 5 songs and explain how they represent that
Analyze Identify title and author Establish setting (time and place) Introduce major characters and provide a brief description of each. Analyze the tone of the narrative voice Briefly narrate story (You can give away the ending) Provide author’s background information Identify author’s purpose (reason for writing) and tone (author’s attitude) Comment on author’s writing style (word choice, sentence structure, organization, use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, etc.) Your personal opinions of the reading; justify those opinions What did you learn during the process of your reading?
Create PowerPoint-To meet minimum requirements, students must design at least 14 pictures that highlight your nonfiction text. Create your original illustration that represents the book (paint, draw, create a collage) Create a sculpture or a shadow box or a windows movie Create a CD cover