Gender Differences
Males are like Waffles?
Females and Spaghetti?
SEX VS. GENDER biology & behavior
Gender in development differences from the start… XX vs. XY girls = healthier and hardier at birth girls = more “verbal” boys = more “active”
Gender in development cognitive gender development… Children first understand gender, then identify with it (cute/embarrassing stories) Constancy age 3- identify, age 4- stability, age 5- constancy Stereotypes age 2- clothes, 3- toys, 4- colors, 5-behavioral traits
Gender in development psychological differences… (Maccoby & Jacklin, reviewed over 1500 studies) Girls = more verbal Boys = better spatial abilities Boys = better at arithmetic reasoning involving spatial skills Boys = show greater physical and verbal aggression
Gender in development also: Boys may be more active, explorative Boys may engage in more rough play Girls may be more responsive to infants Girls may be less demanding and more compliant to parents
What a man would say… Politics Sports Power Dominance…
What a woman would say… Relationships Feelings Understanding…
FemalesMales Left brain Linguistic & logical Holistic thinking Emotionally intelligent Relate to people Emphasis on communication Theorists & Reflectors "Assimilators" (abstract reflectors) Thinks first - then does Sequential method Reflective thinker Right brain Visual-spatial & creative Specialized thinking Problem-solvers Relate to things Emphasis on action Activists & pragmatists "Accommodators" (concrete activists) Does first - then thinks Trial and error method Speculative thinker
FemalesMales Novels Romantic fiction "Presentation is everything“ Co-operative Listening Discussion Writing Lengthy assignments Action books Practical information Will do what's necessary Independent Brainstorm Role-play Practical investigation Information technology