Programming Lifecycle Chapter 1 (Cont..) Programming Lifecycle CSC425 - Introduction To Computer Programming
OBJECTIVES Introduce the general step programmers go through to develop computer programs and software Explain the phases in the system development life cycle. CSC425 - Introduction To Computer Programming
Programming Life Cycle D o c ume n t a I Problem Analysis Programs Modelling Coding Programs Testing and Debugging Maintenance CSC425 - Introduction To Computer Programming
Step 1 : Problem Analysis Defining the problem Identify : 1. Input (given data) 2. Output (the result) 3. Process - relation between input and output - using formula Input Process Output CSC425 - Introduction To Computer Programming
Example Problem 1 Write a program that can input 3 integer number from user. Find the average for the number. Display all the numbers and the average Problem analysis Input : 3 numbers Process : 1. total up 3 numbers 2. Divide the number by 3 Output : 3 numbers and the average CSC425 - Introduction To Computer Programming
Step 2 : Programs Modeling Planning the solution to a problem Using algorithm, flowchart or pseudocode [Refer Problem 1] 1. Set sum = 0, avg = 0 2. Read 3 integer number 3. Total up 3 integer number sum = a+b+c 4. Find the average avg = sum / 3 5. Display 3 integer number and average algorithm CSC425 - Introduction To Computer Programming
[Refer Problem 1] Pseudocode Flowchart start sum =0 , avg = 0 START Read a, b, c sum = a+b+c avg = sum / 3 Display a,b,c Display avg End START INPUT a,b,c sum = a+b+c avg = sum / 3 PRINT a,b,c PRINT avg END Pseudocode Flowchart CSC425 - Introduction To Computer Programming
Step 3 : Coding and programs source code Express solution in a programming language Translate the logic from the flowchart or pseudocode. There are many programming languages : BASIC, COBOL, Pascal, Fortran, C, C++, Java etc Each language has it’s own syntax (rules of language) CSC425 - Introduction To Computer Programming
[Refer problem 1] Coding in C++ Language Output of the program CSC425 - Introduction To Computer Programming
Step 4 : Testing and Debugging Trace error either syntax or logic error Testing running the program with a set of data Debugging Trace and fixed the error CSC425 - Introduction To Computer Programming
Occur during program execution Detected by compiler Run-time error Occur during program execution Detected by compiler Occur because of logic error or memory leak Syntax error Error in the structure or spelling of a statement Detected by the compiler during compilation of the program Example: Missing semicolon, quote CSC425 - Introduction To Computer Programming
Produce undesired result/output Cannot be detected by compiler Logic error Unexpected/unintentional errors resulted from flaw in the program’s logic Produce undesired result/output Cannot be detected by compiler Compare the result with manual process CSC425 - Introduction To Computer Programming
Documentation 1. Description of the program An ongoing process Written detailed description of the program cycle and specific facts about the program Documentation materials include : 1. Description of the program 2. Logic tools : flowcharts, pseudocode 3. Data- record descriptions 4. Program listing 5. Testing results 6. Comments CSC425 - Introduction To Computer Programming
Why programmers put comment? To explain/describe the program/function/statement To help other programmers understand the program/function/statement 2 types of comments Line comment: single line comment Block comment: multiple line comment Syntax comment is differ to certain languages CSC425 - Introduction To Computer Programming
Step 5 : Maintenance Modification made to the finished program Software to meet current requirement Need to refer the previous documentation CSC425 - Introduction To Computer Programming
A good program must have Accuracy Reliability Efficiency A good program must have Maintainability Readability Usability CSC425 - Introduction To Computer Programming