Florida Turnaround Leaders Program Florida Turnaround Leaders Program Preparing Leaders for Florida’s Most Challenging Schools Florida Department of Education.


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Presentation transcript:

Florida Turnaround Leaders Program Florida Turnaround Leaders Program Preparing Leaders for Florida’s Most Challenging Schools Florida Department of Education

FTLP Goals Provide Florida with a replicable, scalable program for preparing effective middle and high school turnaround leaders  Develop a cohort of leaders across Florida who are ready to lead school turnaround efforts  Create, implement and refine strategies, tools and experiences that equip turnaround leaders with essential turnaround knowledge and skills  Build capacity in partnering districts and charter organizations to identify, prepare and support school turnaround leaders and the work of changing the trajectory of student achievement in chronically low- performing schools

FTLP Goals Develop a cohort of leaders across Florida who are ready to lead school turnaround efforts Build capacity in districts and charter organizations to identify, prepare and support effective school turnaround leaders Create, implement and refine strategies, tools and experiences that equip turnaround leaders with essential turnaround skills

FTLP Program Design Design and Governance Design Teams and Core Planning Team; Quarterly District Conferences Participating Districts and Charter Organizations, SREB, UNF, FDOE Specialized Knowledge and Skills Ten Turnaround Skill sets; based on UVA Tenets, FL DOE specifications and research Delivered through ten Quarterly Seminars, five SREB Online Modules, and UNF Graduate Courses Skills Practice 12-month practicum in case study schools; structured assignments and activities Trained mentor guidance and feedback on performance; task- specific rubrics Intensive Integrated Practice 6-month full-time internship in a low- performing school; 90-Day school improvement plan Mentor and Coach guidance and support for learning and practice; Portfolio record of learning

FTLP Partners and Participants Partners Alachua, Duval, Orange, Miami-Dade and Pinellas Charter schools across FL UNF FDOE SREB Participants 98 in cohort; carefully selected by participating districts and charter organizations Diverse group of expert teachers, assistant principals, specialists Committed to leading turnaround schools

FTLP Participant Progression Path 1st Checkpoint Mid-point of the Practicum (Dec. 2012) To ensure participants stay on schedule Contract to complete all late assignments and activities Gateway 1 Near the end of the practicum (May 2013) To determine eligibility for internship; Mentor- completed rubrics Contract to complete all late assignments and activities Gateway 2 After the internship (January 2014) To determine successful completion of the internship; Mentor- completed rubrics Review of completed internship work; Mentor, Internship Principal, Coach and District Contact Input Final Evaluation Near the end of the program (May - June 2014) To determine readiness to be a turnaround leader FTLP evaluation covering all ten turnaround leader skill sets Portfolio presentation to Expert Panel

A Closer Look at the Seminars, Modules and Practicum Analyzing the Context of Low- Performing Schools April 2012 Analyzing the Context of Low- Performing Schools April 2012 Envisioning a Culture of High Expectations June 2012 Envisioning a Culture of High Expectations June 2012 Providing a Rigorous and Relevant Curriculum July/Aug Providing a Rigorous and Relevant Curriculum July/Aug Promoting Effective Teaching and Learning (Part A) November 2012 Promoting Effective Teaching and Learning (Part A) November 2012 Building a Productive School Environment February 2013 Building a Productive School Environment February 2013 Planning and Managing the Turnaround Process June 2013 Planning and Managing the Turnaround Process June 2013 Assignment 1: Case Study of the Practicum School Practicum Experiences in Case Study Schools Assignment 2: Schoolwide Rigor Assessment Assignment 3: Course Schedule Designing Assessments to Improve Student Learning Nov. ‘12 – Jan. ‘13 Designing Assessments to Improve Student Learning Nov. ‘12 – Jan. ‘13 July 2012 June 2013 Assignment 4: Case Study School Improvement Plan Assessing Rigor in School and Classroom Practices Sept. - Oct. 2012

A Closer Look at the Internship Promoting Effective Teaching and Learning (Part B) Dec Promoting Effective Teaching and Learning (Part B) Dec Implementing Organizational Change and Professional Development Sept Implementing Organizational Change and Professional Development Sept Maximizing Flexibility and Autonomy in the Charter Setting Feb (Charter Only) Maximizing Flexibility and Autonomy in the Charter Setting Feb (Charter Only) Leading Initiatives to Improve Students’ Success in Mathematics Feb Leading Initiatives to Improve Students’ Success in Mathematics Feb Sustaining Turnaround/ Growing the Organization June 2014 Sustaining Turnaround/ Growing the Organization June 2014 Internship/Post-Internship Experiences Assignment 5: Developing and Implementing a 90-Day Plan Assignment 6: Lesson Study Assignment 7: Supporting Student Transitions Leading Schoolwide Literacy Initiatives Jan. /Mar Leading Schoolwide Literacy Initiatives Jan. /Mar July 2013 June 2014 Assignment 8: Mid –course Correction to 90-Day Plan Assignment 9: Portfolio Presentation Developing Engaging, Academically Rigorous Career Technical Programs April - June 2014 Developing Engaging, Academically Rigorous Career Technical Programs April - June 2014 Building Instructional Leadership Teams July – Oct Building Instructional Leadership Teams July – Oct. 2013

Accomplishments 5 of 10 quarterly seminars delivered All seminars have been rated >5 on 6-point scale for content, delivery, and relevance 89% retention at halfway point 46 exceeded expectations with Assignment 1: Case study of a low-achieving school 60 exceeded expectations in first online course, 40 on the second

Where we are today Challenges Smaller numbers; spread out across Florida; lower levels of organizational support; “wearing lots of hats” Attrition among Charter Participants Successes Content is rigorous and relevant; delivery by expert practitioners increases credibility; mentors are enthusiastic and deeply engaged Seminars and Mentoring Lessons Learned Partners have a large stake in participants’ success; they are eager to help, provide feedback, monitor and support participants and mentors Proactive, direct engagement with partners yields high return

FTLP Program Evaluation

Sustainability How might the work continue after the grant period? Participating districts become “turnaround leader training centers” by engaging FTLP completers and their mentors in training additional turnaround leaders from nearby counties/charter organizations FDOE provides access to FTLP materials and technical assistance to districts, charter organizations and colleges of education – Seminar content, practicum/internship assignments and activities, support materials (directions, tools and rubrics); online module content is SREB proprietary but is available and cost-effective Universities offer approved Educational Leadership programs that incorporate FTLP content and experiences; leading to turnaround principal endorsement that meets state requirements Knowledge Transfer as an On-going Practice Reusable Resources/Tools Replicable Experiences Partners Equipped to Sustain the Work