CS 6461: Computer Architecture Fall 2013 History and Trends Instructor: Morris Lancaster
8/13/2013CS 6461 History and Trends2 Instructor Morris Lancaster –
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture 1.23 Computer Architecture Instruction Set Architecture Refers to the instruction set that can be used by the programmer or generated by a compiler This logical view serves as the boundary between hardware and software Can be compared with an interface specification or contract for an object – where given a set of preconditions, a given activity will always yield the same postconditions with respect to the architecture View as the accessible register set and memory and the instructions that can be used to affect them
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture 1.24 Computer Architecture Organization High level aspects of computer design, including memory system, bus structure, design of the internal cpu, independent of the ISA.
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture 1.25 Computer Architecture Organization –Processors with two distinct organizations can support the same ISA NEC VR 5432 and VR 4122 both support MIPS 64 ISA VR 4122 does floating point in software and has different cache and pipeline than VR 5432
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture 1.26 Computer Architecture Hardware –The specifics of a machine’s detailed logic design and packaging Clock rates, voltages, etc.
Trends in Technology, Applications and Architectures
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture 1.28 Historical Perspective 1957 to early 1970s –Technology improvements: tubes to transistors to integrated circuits –Organization improvements: Larger register sets Increased number of buses Introduction of caches Introduction of pipelines –Mainframes and minicomputers dominated the market –“Big fish ate little fish” –25% to 30% per year performance growth contributed to by technology improvements and organization improvements
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture 1.29 Historical Perspective Late 1970’s through early 1980’s –Technology improvements: LSI to VLSI to not categorizing any more Facilitated 35% or more growth per year –Organization improvements: Few new improvements so as to have less impact than technology –Microprocessor based systems began to take over –“little fish eat big fish?”
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Historical Perspective Why microprocessor systems flourished Fundamental changes in software development and development environments –Assembly language development virtually eliminated, and therefore applications became ISA (object code) independent (Intel’s/IBM’s lesson with 8080 and 8086) –Standard OS (varieties of UNIX, Linux) Manufacturing costs were lower –The life cycle for design and development (and cost recovery) of microprocessors was shorter, so improvements could be made quicker to produce higher performance processors
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Historical Perspective Why microprocessor systems flourished Users could afford the new systems, especially those users with limited or no access to the corporate or university mainframe Given the fast turnaround for new designs and ISA independence, experimentation with new architectures was facilitated –Reduced Instruction Set Computer architectures developed
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Historical Perspective Advances in Computer Organization Begin Again RISC –Exploitation of instruction level parallelism Initially through pipelining and later through multiple instruction issue –The use of caches Initially simple and later more complex –Intel IA 32 (x86) Architecture goes RISC IA 32 instructions translated internally to RISC-Like instructions As transistor counts per chip soared this translation cost became negligible
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Historical Perspective Advances in Computer Organization Begin Again Technology improvements continued and the combination of the technology and organization enhancements has led to 20 years of sustained growth in performance at an annual rate of over 50%. Organization enhancements have been the more significant portion of this growth.
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Historical Perspective Performance ?
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Historical Perspective Chip Transistor Count From Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture – 8 th Edition Intel 1 Billion Transistor 2006 Intel 2 Billion Transistor 2008 (Article)Article Sun Niagra 16 core and IBM Power 7 8 core (both 2 billion trans)
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Evolution Wide range of applications of computing –Desktop computing – business Now Workstations are on the Desktop –High performance workstations –Servers Minicomputers replaced by microprocessors acting as servers –Supercomputers Built from large numbers of microprocessors –Embedded computers
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture The Designer’s Challenges Rate of change of technology –Integrated circuit logic technology Transistor density increases at about 35% per year Increases in die size about 10% to 20% per year (better yields) Combined effect of about 55% per year increase in transistor count per chip –DRAM Density increases of 40% to 60% per year –Magnetic Disk Technology Greater than 100% per year –Network Technologies 10Mbps to 100Mbps to Gigabit Greater connectivity
Design Requirements/Constraints for Computer Architectures
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Requirements Who will program the machines What do they expect? –Performance? –Low power consumption? How? –HLL, embedded, etc Compilation is key to performance –HW/SW interaction at ISA level –Knowledge of architecture, application and algorithms
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture The Designer’s Challenges what are the real requirements? Which of these has the best performance? Airplane Passengers Range (mi) Speed (mph) Boeing Boeing BAC/Sud Concorde Douglas DC How much faster is the Concorde compared to the 747? How much bigger is the 747 than the Douglas DC- 8? bigger? faster? greatest range? What is the passenger mph ratio of the 747 compared to the Concorde?
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Industry Challenge Delays in delivery of a new technology can severely impact market position Life cycle for a particular product less than 5 years (e.g. Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV) Cost Inventory risk. Other notes: –In 2004 Intel cancelled all its high performance uniprocessor projects and joined IBM and Sun in declaring that the road to higher performance would be in multiple processors per chip.
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Focus of Text Look at the factors that made the last century’s incredible growth rate possible –Architectural ideas –Accompanying compiler improvements Look at –Reasons for change –Challenges and initial promising approaches –Compilers
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Defining Computer Architectures Determine what attributes are important for a new computer Design the computer to maximize performance while staying within cost, power and availability constraints. –Instruction set design –Functional organization –Logic design –Implementation IC design Packaging Power Cooling
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Instruction Set Architecture 7 Dimensions –Class of ISA Register-memory80x86 Load-storeMIPS Others –Stack –Memory Addressing Byte or word addressing Alignment
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Instruction Set Architecture 7 Dimensions (continued) –Addressing Modes Register, immediate, displacement – MIPS Add another displacement, register – older mainframe –Operand Size 8 bit 16 bit 32 bit 64 bit IEEE 32 bit single precision and 64 bit double precision, also 80 bit extended version
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Instruction Set Architecture 7 Dimensions (continued) –Operations Data Transfer Arithmetic/Logical Control Floating Point –Control flow Conditional branches, unconditional jumps, procedure calls, returns –ISA encoding Fixed length Variable Length
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Instruction Set Architecture MIPS MIPS Instruction subset on Page 11 MIPS Formats Figure 1.6
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture What Remains? Designing the organization and hardware to meet goals and functional requirements –Organization – high level aspects of a computer’s design CPU Design Memory Design and Interconnect ISA x86 AMD Opteron and Pentium 4 have very different internal designs –Hardware – specifics, detailed logic design and packaging Pentium 4 versus Mobile Pentium 4
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Cost of an Integrated Circuit Cost of integrated circuit Cost of die Dies per wafer Cost of die + cost of testing die + cost of packaging and final test die yield Cost of Wafer. Dies per wafer * die yield π * (wafer diameter/2) 2 die area π * wafer diameter 2*die area -
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Die Wafer
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Cost of an Integrated Circuit Die yield Wafer yield * ( 1 + Defects per unit area * Die area α )-α)-α.4 to.8 in 2001 A parameter that corresponds inversely to the number of masking levels
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Measuring and Reporting Performance Performance = 1 / Response time Machine X is n times faster than machine Y = = n Example, –Machine X runs a program in 10 sec –Machine Y runs the same program in 15 sec –15 / 10 = 1.5 X is 1.5 times faster than Y Performance X Performance Y Response time Y Response time X
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Quantitative Performance Amdahl’s Law speedup = Performance for entire task using enhancement when possible Performance for entire task without using the enhancement
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Quantitative Performance A program is broken down into instructions Each instruction takes multiple clock cycles Instruction count (instructions executed, not static code) –Mostly determined by compiler and ISA CPI (average clock per instruction) –Mostly determined by ISA and CPU organization –CPI’s may differ according to instruction – Clock rate –Mostly determined by technology and CPU organization Time/program= # of instructions a program second clock # of clocks # of instructions ** = instruction count * CPI / clock rate
8/13/2013CS 6461 Lecture Quantitative Principles Take advantage of parallelism Understand Amdahl’s Law Principle of Locality Focus on the Common Case – make it fast