ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design Microprocessors and Digital Design ECEn 191 New Student Seminar
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design MYSTERY SOUND
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design PENTIUM 4 CHIP
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design TRUTH TABLE FOR THE AND F is true if A and B are true
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design THE AND LOGIC GATE
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design THE AND, OR, AND NOT
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design THE ADDER
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design THE MICROPROCESSOR
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design MEMORY ADDRESSES Memory Central Processing Unit (CPU) Input & Output Devices
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design INSTRUCTION TYPES FOR CPUS Memory Central Processing Unit (CPU) Input & Output Devices Three Instruction Types for CPUs: 1) Load/Store Instructions 2) Arithmetic and logic functions 3) Control Transfer
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design CPU BLOCK DIAGRAM
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design EXAMPLE CPU COMMANDS Instructions: To add two numbers 1) Put number from memory location A into register location 1
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design EXAMPLE CPU COMMANDS Instruction: 2) Put number from memory location B into register location 2
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design EXAMPLE CPU COMMANDS Instruction: 3) Add numbers in register locations 1 and 2, put result in register location 3
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design EXAMPLE CPU COMMANDS Instruction: 4) Put number from register location 3 into memory location C
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design PENTIUM 4 CHIP
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design LOGIC ELEMENTS IN A PENTIUM Zoom in view of portion of Pentium
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design Fast Memory (Cache) Decoder Fetch Register ALU Off-chip communications Keeps multiple instructions moving through PENTIUM 4 CHIP – FUNCTION BLOCKS
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design LOGIC CHIPS ASIC – Application Specific Integrated Circuit Expensive $$$$ FPGA – Field Programmable Gate Array Cheap $
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design PROCESSOR/CHIP ARCHITECT - NVIDIA
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design LOGIC DESIGNER - CIRQUE
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design VERIFICATION ENGINEER - INTEL
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design Quantum Logic WHAT’S NEXT
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design DIGITAL LOGIC CIRCUITS CLASSES ECEn 124 – Computer Systems ECEn 224 – Fundamentals of Digital Systems ECEn 320 – Digital System Design ECEn 324 – System Architecture ECEn 451 – Intro to Digital VLSI ECEn 445 – Mixed Signal VLSI
ECEn 191 – New Student Seminar - Session 9: Microprocessors, Digital Design LAB EXERCISE