eCPIC User Training: Systems Module Booz Allen Hamilton Standard Colors Colors should be used in the color pairs whenever possible. Do not mix and match colors, use pairs together as shown. Black, White and Gray can be used with any of the other colors. These training materials are owned by the Federal Government. They can be used or modified only by FESCOM member agencies. Purple Pantone 2765 R 12 G 4 B 79 Green Pantone 357 R 15 G 67 B 24 Blue Pantone 2 88 R 11 G 31 B 101 Pantone Cool Gray 6 R 158 G 158 B 158 Black Red Pantone 485 R 252 G 5 B 14 Yellow Pantone 3965 R 232 G 244 B 4 Aqua Pantone 319 R 126 G 204 B 189 White
Systems Module Slide 2 – Overview and Navigation Slide 7 – Dependency Mapper Slide 10 – Funding Information Slide 14 – System Business Card Slide 16 – System Data Exchange (SDX) Slide 20 – Admin Module Functions
Systems Overview The Systems module in eCPIC is a place for tracking and managing system-level data. Users who have been granted access to the Systems module by an Agency Administrator will have the Systems module available in the navigation panel. When the Systems module is opened, the System Listing grid will appear. This list contains all of the systems that are available to the user.
Systems Navigation The basic navigation of the Systems module is the same as the Investments module. System templates are broken down using the Process > Section > Subsection hierarchy. For more details about this standard eCPIC hierarchy, refer to the Introduction to eCPIC training guide. Similarly, the same data field types are available within the Systems module. All custom fields created by an Agency can be added to the System Template, along with many of the OMB fields.
Export System Business Card Systems Toolbar The toolbar found in the Systems module provides users quick access to key functionality. A User may not see all of these icons. It will depend on the exact access that has been provided by your Agency Administrator. Create a New System Opens a blank system record Lock this System Place the current system into read-only mode Assign Permissions Assign user or group permissions to this system Delete this System Removes the current system from eCPIC Process Word Export Export all data fields within the current process to MS Word Export System Business Card Exports the System Business card to MS Word
Creating a New System New system records can be created in the application by clicking the Create a New System icon in the navigation pane or in the tool bar. Provide a System Name, Point of Contact, and System Description. Save the new system.
Systems Module Slide 2 – Overview and Navigation Slide 7 – Dependency Mapper Slide 10 – Funding Information Slide 14 – System Business Card Slide 16 – System Data Exchange (SDX) Slide 20 – Admin Module Functions
System-to-System Dependency Mapper The Systems Dependency table is available in the Systems module for capturing dependencies that exist between systems. To add a new dependency to the table: Click the Insert New Row button In the Dependent System Name column, click the drop-down to select the appropriate dependent system. In the Dependency Description, enter a description of the dependency that exists between the systems. NOTE: Dependencies are displayed in both system’s dependency tables. Any updates to the Dependency Description will be reflected in both tables. 2 1
System-to-System Dependency Mapper, continued A visualization tool built into the Systems Dependency table allows users to display the dependencies defined in the table. Access the visualization by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner of the table. The visualization will open in a new window.
Systems Module Slide 2 – Overview and Navigation Slide 7 – Dependency Mapper Slide 10 – Funding Information Slide 14 – System Business Card Slide 16 – System Data Exchange (SDX) Slide 20 – Admin Module Functions
System Funding Sources The System Funding Source table is used to identify the investments that are funding the system, as well as the funding amount being allocated from that investment. To add an investment to the table: Select the appropriate investment from the drop-down menu above the table. Once selected, click the Add Investment button. 1 2
System Funding Sources, continued The investment row will appear in the table, along with three rows for DME, SS, and TOTAL funding. To make data updates: Double-click into the cell that you wish to update. At the user’s discretion, investment rows can also be collapsed as needed. Click the (-) icon next to the investment name to collapse the row. 2 1
Supported Systems Table The Supported Systems table is a field that can be added by an Administrator into a process within the Investments module. The table displays the systems that have selected the investment as part of its Systems Funding Source table, as well as the amount of funding that has been allocated to the system. The table is read-only. The data can only be edited through the Systems module. NOTE: The Supported Systems table’s funding does not impact or have a direct connection with the investment’s Funding Sources table or Lifecycle Costs table, both of which are submitted by Agencies to OMB. This data is currently maintained completely separately within eCPIC.
Systems Module Slide 2 – Overview and Navigation Slide 7 – Dependency Mapper Slide 10 – Funding Information Slide 14 – System Business Card Slide 16 – System Data Exchange (SDX) Slide 20 – Admin Module Functions
System Business Card The System Business Card export provides users a simple, one-page export of the system data that can be viewed in MS Word. To open the System Business Card, click on the icon in the toolbar.
Systems Module Slide 2 – Overview and Navigation Slide 7 – Dependency Mapper Slide 10 – Funding Information Slide 14 – System Business Card Slide 16 – System Data Exchange (SDX) Slide 20 – Admin Module Functions
System Data Exchange (SDX) The Systems module has the capability to import and export data for multiple systems through System Data Exchange (SDX). Systems module data will only be importable and exportable through a standard template that exists within the SDX module. Users will not be able to create custom templates for SDX.
SDX Export To export systems data from eCPIC into MS Excel through SDX: Click on the Export tab within the SDX module. Select the systems that are to be exported. Use the dropdown menu to select the template. There is only a single template to select. Click the button to Export Data to Template. 1 2 3 4
SDX Import To import system data from MS Excel to eCPIC through SDX: Click on the Import tab of the SDX module. Click the Browse button and locate the file for upload. Use the drop-down to select the template. Again, there will only be a single template available. Click Upload Import Workbook. When the page refreshes, click Validate and Save to commit the updates to the system. 1 2 3 4 5
Systems Module Slide 2 – Overview and Navigation Slide 7 – Dependency Mapper Slide 10 – Funding Information Slide 14 – System Business Card Slide 16 – System Data Exchange (SDX) Slide 20 – Admin Module Functions
Manage System Funding Sources The list of investments available for selection within the Systems Funding Sources table can be controlled through the Admin module. Users will only be able to select investments that have been specifically designated by an Administrator. To edit the investments available for users to add to the System Funding Sources Table: Navigate to the Admin module and select the System > Funding Sources menu. In the grid on the right, select the investments and/or portfolios that are to be added. Click Add Selected Investments. 1 3 2
Manage System Funding Sources, continued To edit the investments available for users to add to the System Funding Sources Table (continued): To remove available investments from the System Funding Sources table, select the investments to be removed from the Assigned Investments grid on the right. Click Remove Investment. NOTE: If any of the selected investments are currently being used by a system, then a warning message will appear. Choosing to proceed will result in that investment being removed from any System Funding Sources Tables it is associated with. 5 4
Insert Supported Systems Table in Investments Module To add the Supported Systems Table to a process in the Investments module: Navigate to the Admin module and select the Investments > Templates menu. Select the investment template to which the table will be added. Click down to the sub-section where the field will be added. Search for the Supported Systems Table in the Unassigned Fields area. Check the box. Click Assign Fields. 1 2 5 3 4
Edit the System Template The template for the Systems module can be edited in the same way as templates in the Investments module. The Systems module template shares the same tiered approach of Process > Section > SubSection. Administrators can create and edit any processes, sections, and subsections within the template. In addition, most fields within the application can be assigned to Systems module processes just as they are to Investment module processes. To edit the system template: Navigate to the Admin module and select the Systems > Templates menu. Select the Systems Module template. Processes can be edited, copies, or added through these buttons. 1 2 3
Manage System Category and Asset Type Fields Both the System Category and Asset Type fields in the Systems module can be modified through the Admin module to change the available selections to users. To edit these values: Navigate to the Admin module and select the Field Management > Manage Fields and Categories > Manage Fields menu. Filter for the System Category or Asset Type fields. Click the True link in the edit values column. From here the current values can be disabled, edited, or new values can be added. 1 2 3