MODERN Final Review ENIAC-120003 MODERN Ref. Technical Annex MODERN_PartB Rev2 v3.7 WP1: Giuliana GangemiWP2: André Juge WP3: Wilmar HeuvelmanWP4: Davide.


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Presentation transcript:

MODERN Final Review ENIAC MODERN Ref. Technical Annex MODERN_PartB Rev2 v3.7 WP1: Giuliana GangemiWP2: André Juge WP3: Wilmar HeuvelmanWP4: Davide Pandini / Fabio Campi WP5: Loris Vendrame Coordinator: Jan van Gerwen Date: May 3 rd, 2012

CONFIDENTIAL MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012 Agenda (1) Welcome General information (Jan) –Objectives –Consortium –Resources planned and used –Overview of deliverables and milestones status –Cooperation, dissemination and exploitation –Project management: progress, problems and amendments –Relationship between workpackages –Other issues, Q&A For WP1 (Giuliana), WP2 (André), WP3 (Wilmar) and WP4 (Davide / Fabio ) –Link with other WPs and Tasks –Progress, highlights and lowlights –Technical status and achievements of deliverables (incl. changes) –Cooperation –Dissemination (publications, patents), exploitation –Other issues, Q&A 2

CONFIDENTIAL Agenda (2) For WP5 (Loris and others) –Link with other WPs and Tasks –Progress, highlights and lowlights –Technical status and achievements of deliverables (incl. changes) –Cooperation –Dissemination (publications, patents), exploitation –Demo’s: Thales: Philippe Millet / Simon Heywood ….. –Other issues, Q&A MODERN Final Review May 3rd,

CONFIDENTIAL MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012 Objectives The objective of the MODERN project is to develop new paradigms in integrated circuit design that will enable the manufacturing of reliable, low cost, low EMI, high-yield complex products using unreliable and variable devices. Specifically, the main goals of the project are:  Advanced, yet accurate, models of process variations for nanometre devices, circuits and complex architectures.  Effective methods for evaluating the impact of process variations on manufacturability, design reliability and circuit performance. oReliability, noise, EMC/EMI. oTiming, power and yield.  Design methods and tools to mitigate or tolerate the effects of process variations on those quantities applicable at the device, circuit and architectural levels.  Validation of the modelling and design methods and tools on a variety of silicon demonstrators. Layout and strain induced variability (Synopsys) 4

CONFIDENTIAL MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012 Consortium The MODERN Consortium features strong competence and expertise in the field of advanced technologies, with a well-balanced participation between Large Industries, SMEs, Research Centres and Universities from all over Europe. 5

CONFIDENTIAL MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012 Resources planned and used 6

CONFIDENTIAL MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012 Overview of deliverables and milestones status (1) Deliverables 7

CONFIDENTIAL MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012 Overview of deliverables and milestones status (2) Milestones Conclusion: All Deliverables and Milestones due before (M22) are ready M24 Deliverables and Milestones are on schedule 8

CONFIDENTIAL MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012 Cooperation, dissemination and exploitation A Workshop at DATE 2010 with the theme ‘The Fruits of Variability Research in Europe’ was organized. This workshop was a co-operation of the UK EPSRC project, FP7 STREP project REALITY and MODERN VARI Workshop, 2010 May 26-27, Montpellier, France Contribution to the Workshop on Simulation and Characterisation of Statistical CMOS Variability and Reliability was presented, Sept. 9 th 2010, Bologna, Italy MODERN participated in the Poster & Demo Session at European Nanoelectronics Forum 2010 in Madrid, Spain Large number of publications Main meetings: –General meetings in Catania (Nov. 9&10, 2010) attended by 30+ persons present and 10+ called in Due to the travel restrictions that many companies/institutes still face most of the interaction between partners is by phone and 9

CONFIDENTIAL MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012 Project management: progress, funding problems and amendments Progress: All planned deliverables ready Most uncertainties in countries causing funding and (national) administrative issues e.g. Italy, Swiss, Spain and Austria are resolved Amendments: 1.The change of project coordinator from ST to NXP and ST-Crolles being replaced by ST-Grenoble 2.The removal of some inconsistencies between some deliverables 3.The subcontracting of work by Glasgow to GSS Ltd. 4.CSEM withdraws due to lack of national funding as of To account for the leaving of some NXP employees and a related change in direction of the NXP PDM group the deliverables D5.3.2 and D5.3.3 are (slightly) changed 6.To account for some technical difficulties encountered in the research activities within ST-I Tasks 3.1, 3.4 and 5.3 are (slightly) changed 7.Coming: partner #6 Infineon Technologies Austria AG is included in the transaction between Infineon and Intel 10

CONFIDENTIAL MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012 Relationship between workpackages 11

CONFIDENTIAL MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012 Other issues Q&A ? 12

CONFIDENTIAL WP1 agenda Link with other WPs and Tasks Progress, highlights and lowlights Technical status and achievements of deliverables (incl. changes) Cooperation Dissemination (publications, patents), exploitation Other issues, Q&A MODERN Final Review May 3rd,

CONFIDENTIAL 14 MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012

CONFIDENTIAL WP2 agenda Link with other WPs and Tasks Progress, highlights and lowlights Technical status and achievements of deliverables (incl. changes) Cooperation Dissemination (publications, patents), exploitation Other issues, Q&A 15 MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012

CONFIDENTIAL 16 MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012

CONFIDENTIAL WP3 agenda Link with other WPs and Tasks Progress, highlights and lowlights Technical status and achievements of deliverables (incl. changes) Cooperation Dissemination (publications, patents), exploitation Other issues, Q&A 17 MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012

CONFIDENTIAL 18 MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012

CONFIDENTIAL WP4: Outline Link with other WPs and Tasks Progress, highlights and lowlights Technical status and achievements of deliverables (incl. changes) Cooperation Dissemination (publications, patents), exploitation Other issues, Q&A 19 MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012

CONFIDENTIAL 20 MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012

CONFIDENTIAL WP5 agenda Link with other WPs and Tasks Progress, highlights and lowlights Technical status and achievements of deliverables (incl. changes) Cooperation Dissemination (publications, patents), exploitation Demo’s: –Thales: Philippe Millet / Simon Heywood –….. Other issues, Q&A 21 MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012

CONFIDENTIAL 22 MODERN Final Review May 3rd, 2012