Unit 15 Complaints and Claims 精品课程《外贸函电英语》 Text A 精品课程《外贸函电英语》


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 15 Complaints and Claims 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

Text A 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

Ideally, it should not be necessary to complain, since in business everything should be done so carefully that no mistakes are made and nothing is damaged. Unfortunately, mistakes may occur in day-to-day business, and these give cause for complaints.

Complaints may be of several kinds. Some complaints are about the quantity delivered. Perhaps not enough goods were sent, perhaps too many. And it is always a cause for complaint that the wrong goods were delivered. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

Often there are complaints about poor packing, which can cause damage to the goods. Sometimes the complaint is about inferior quality. In this case, buyers often complain that the goods are not up to the standard. There may be a discrepancy between the samples and the goods which actually arrive. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

A compliant may be about a delay in shipment. Usually, there is a penalty clause in the contract to protect the buyer against loss from delay. Complaints about damage are usually the business of insurance companies, but if the damage is caused by the negligence of the packer, then the insurance companies will not take responsibility. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

When there is a complaint that the wrong goods were sent, or too many, or too few, then it is always necessary to check the packing list as well as the invoice. The agent must investigate what has happened. The goods may still be at the port of loading. But the buyer cannot wait for the agent’s report. He usually insists on the goods being replaced as soon as possible. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

Bad, inferior or inadequate packing may cause damage to goods in transit. The buyer may accept damaged goods if the supplier offers a discount, but if the goods are badly damaged, they may be not salable and in this case the buyer will demand replacement. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

If the delay is very long, the buyer may cancel the order, and there may be a great loss to the supplier and the buyer. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

Text B Complaint Concerning Quality 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

Dear Sirs: We have recently received a number of complaints from customers about your printed shirting. The printed shirting clearly does not match the samples you left with us. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

The printed shirting complained about is part of the batch of 100 pieces of 50 yards supplied to our No. AD- 190 of May 10. We have ourselves examined some of the printed shirting complained about and there is little doubt that some of them are shrinkable and others not color fast. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

We are therefore writing to ask you to accept return of the unsold balance of the batch referred to, amounting to 35 pieces in all, and to replace them by printed shirting of the same quality as the sample. Yours faithfully, 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

We are therefore writing to ask you to accept return of the unsold balance of the batch referred to, amounting to 35 pieces in all, and to replace them by printed shirting of the same quality as the sample. Yours faithfully, 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

We are therefore writing to ask you to accept return of the unsold balance of the batch referred to, amounting to 35 pieces in all, and to replace them by printed shirting of the same quality as the sample. Yours faithfully, 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

(Reply Accepting Complaint) Dear Sirs: We are sorry to learn from your fax of 30 May that you find our printed shirting supplied to your order of 10 May not up to the sample. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

From what you say it seems possible that some mistake has been made in the dispatch of the materials meant for you. And we are arranging for our representative in Paris to call on you within next week to examine the faulty materials. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

If the quality of the materials delivered is found inferior to that of the sample, you can rely on us to replace the unsold part of the batch, and we shall do everything we can to ensure that such a mistake does not happen again. Yours faithfully, 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

(Reply Rejecting Complaint) Dear Sirs: We have received your fax of 30 May and very much regret that some of your customers are dissatisfied with our printed shirting supplied to your Order No. AD-190. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

We have been manufacturing printed shirting for many years and can claim to produce a material that no competitor has yet succeeded in producing at the prices quoted. The reputation enjoyed by our printed shirting on international markets testifies to their high quality. From what you say it would seem that some of the materials escaped the examination we normally give to all materials in our inspection department. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

We can understand your problem, but regret that we cannot accept your suggestion to take back all the unsold printed shirting from the batch about which you complain. Indeed, there should be no need for this since it is unlikely that the number of faulty printed shirting can be very large. 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

We will of course replace any piece of printed shirting found not to be satisfactory and on this particular batch we are prepared to allow you a special discount of 5% to compensate for your trouble. Yours faithfully, 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

Skill drilling 1. Please write a letter to complain of the delay in shipment stating the following facts: 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

a) 所订货物收到,核对无误,情况良 好。 b) 但本应 8 月底前到达的货物 9 月 14 日才到,致使我方交货压力甚大; c) 延误现象一再发生会使客户转向他 处,要求今后一定如期交货;

2. Please write a letter in reply to the complaint (as above), making the following comments: 精品课程《外贸函电英语》

a) 感谢来函,对交货延误深表歉意; b) 已调查此事,系日常工作的疏漏所 致; C) 已纠正( rectify )此错,保证今后 按期交货;