FF - August 30th 2004 Meeting ALICE radiation tolerance. Some reasons for this meeting: A part very inner detectors (Pixels and SDD), ALICE has wide grey area; important decisions for the system depending on: risk analysis (how much system failure can be tolerated) economics (often parameter for ultimate decision of rad hard vs. COTS) system architecture (system redundancy and quantization+location) Electronics need to be validated for installation. safe margins performance/cost evaluate weak areas and probability of shut down time Never done ALICE survey before
FF - August 30th 2004 Meeting ALICE radiation tolerance. Aims: Status of COTS electronics in ALICE tested planned “overlooked” Regroup documents of tests already done by collaboration improve ALICE database (knowledge) stimulate commonalities (learn from others) compare and conform conclusions (validate results) Forum for discussion
FF - August 30th 2004 Meeting ALICE radiation tolerance. August 30 th - Room Agenda (morning): 10h00 - Introduction (F. Formenti - 10 min) 10h10 - Radiation in the ALICE environment (A. Morsch - 20 min) 10h30 - SSD (M. Rossewij - 20 min) 10h50 - TPC Front End Card (L. Musa - 20 min) 11h10 - TPC Readout Control Unit (D. Rohrich - 20 min) 11h30 - TRD DCS Card (D. Rohrich - 20 min) 11h50 - TOF (P. Antonioli - 20 min) 12h10 / 13h30 Lunch
FF - August 30th 2004 Meeting ALICE radiation tolerance. August 30 th - Room Agenda (afternoon): 13h30 - Mu Arm Trk (F.F. summary - 20 min) 13h50 - FMD (B. Nielsen - 20 min) 14h10 - DAQ (C. Soos - 20 min) 14h30 - DCS (P. Chochula - 20 min) 14h50 - Trigger (P. Jovanovic - 20 min) 15h10 / 15h30 Coffee break 15h30 - Power supplies Caen (L. Periale - 20 min) 15h50 - Power supplies Wiener (B. Allongue - 20 min) 16h10 - Summary & discussion (F. Faccio & all - 40 min)