Transportation and Economic Development Yes, there is a connection!
Transportation has advanced tremendously over time! Without it - our quality of life would be drastically different!
ACCESS is Essential Transportation is defined as any means of conveying people and goods. Imagine how different our lives would be without roads, bridges, airports, waterways, telephone and cable lines, railroads, public transit systems, bikeways, and even sidewalks!! Every facet of our everyday lives are impacted by transportation and the economic activity that it generates
INDIANA TRANSPORTATION FACTS Indiana’s transportation network is multi- modal with the roadway system accounting for over 93,000 miles As “The Crossroads of America,” Indiana roads carry more than $1 trillion in goods and exceeds 9.5 billion miles of commercial truck traffic annually More than $5 billion worth of Hoosier-grown produce, poultry and livestock relies on an efficient transportation system
INDIANA TRANSPORTATION FACTS Transportation construction industry employs more than 48,000 Hoosiers Every $1 billion invested in transportation infrastructure generates more than $2.5 billion in economic activity, including the creation of 47,500
Investments since 1999 boost Indiana economy! $70M Aggregate Sales $129M Asphalt and Cement Sales $57-75M Engineering Services $172M Transportation, Communications and Utilities $100M Wholesale and Retail Trade $86M Finance, Insurance and Real Estate
INDIANA TRANSPORTATION FACTS Indiana ports(3), railroads(39), airports(69), and transit systems(53) also contribute to Indiana’s economic activity Including freight tonnage, wages, and operations, and other economic activity the non-highway modes contribute over $84 billion to Indiana’s economy
Some transportation activity provides large economic benefits Goals are to: Strengthen the transportation network in Southwest Indiana; Support economic development in Southwest Indiana; and, Complete the portion of the National I-69 project between Evansville and Indianapolis
Hoosier Heartland Highway = Economic Engine Designated in the 1991 funding bill as a Congressional High Priority Corridor Part of the National Highway System 4-lane corridor connecting Fort Wayne, Lafayette, and Indianapolis, and is necessary for economic development of North Central Indiana
Transportation and Economic Growth are Inseparable US 24 Fort Wayne to Toledo, OH (Fort to Port) I-70 Relocation Project Six Points Road Interchange Indianapolis New Midfield Terminal
Transportation and Economic Activity are connected Building the nation’s highways put thousands of citizens to work Investing in the future of Transportation = an Investment in our Economy