English Language Arts- Module C Juley Harper, ELA Education Associate Using the Common Core Comparison Tool to Inform the Path Forward for the Delaware.


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Presentation transcript:

English Language Arts- Module C Juley Harper, ELA Education Associate Using the Common Core Comparison Tool to Inform the Path Forward for the Delaware ELA Community 1

ACHIEVEs Common Core Comparison Tool 2 Achieve designed the Common Core Comparison Tool to provide states with an online process and guidelines for matching our current standards with the Common Core Standards. DE has completed a comparison of our ELA Standards with the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects. Please note that while Achieve designed the Common Core Comparison Tool; the data are the result of judgments made by the members of the DE review team who completed the process.

ACHIEVEs Common Core Comparison Tool 3

ELA Common Core State Standards Analysis 4 100% It doesnt get any better than that!

How did we rate DEs degree of match with the Common Core? Table 1: Ratings Summary 3 = Excellent match between the state standards and the Common Core 2 = Good match, with minor aspects of the Common Core not addressed 1 = Weak match, with major aspects of the Common Core not address No Match = There is no state match with the Common Core standard

What percentage of DEs ELA Standards appear/dont appear in the CCSS? 6 83%!

How Strong were the Matches Between the K-12 CCCSS and the DE ELA Standards?? 7 VERY STRONG!

Common Core Comparison-Multiple Match Common Core Standard Delaware ELA GLE Grade Difference MatchNote CC.3.W.2.c Text Types and Purposes: Use linking words and phrases (e.g., also, another, and, more, but) to connect ideas within categories of information. DE.3.1(WO).1/2/3.41 Organization: Persuasive Writing: Use transition words that show order or show simple relationships (e.g., but, however) [Grade Level 3] 0 3 = Excellent match between the two documents DE refers to linking words as transitional words or phrases DE.3.1(WO).1/2/3.46 Organization: Informative Writing: Use transition words that show order or show simple relationships (e.g., but, however) [Grade Level 3] 0 DE.3.1(WO).1/2/3.51 Organization: Expressive Writing: Use transition words that show order or show simple relationships (e.g., but, however) [Grade Level 3] 0

Common Core Comparison-No Match Common Core Standard Delaware ELA GLE Grade Difference Match Note CC.3.R.F.3.b Phonics and Word Recognition: Decode words with common Latin suffixes. DE.6.2(Rea).1.1: Vocabulary: Identify and use the meanings of high frequency Greek and Latin derived roots and affixes to determine the meaning of unknown words (e.g., bio, derm, anti, graph, tele) [Grade Level 6] -3 1 = Weak match. Major aspects of the Common Core not addressed. Greek and Latin (specifically) begin in Gr. 6 in DE.

How do our DE ELA Standards compare to the CCSS at grades K-12? 10

How do the DE ELA Standards compare to the CCSS within strands across ALL grades? 11

Whats next?? Key questions we will consider include: Which of the concepts and skills required in the Common Core are included in our states standards? How strong is the comparison between these two sets of standards? How similar are the Common Core and state standards with respect to the grade levels at which concepts and skills are taught? At what grade levels are there differences where our state expectations address concepts and skills earlier or later than the Common Core? How similar are the Common Core and state standards with respect to the expectations that are included in specific strands (English language Arts) and domains (mathematics)? In what strands and domains do we find the greatest differences? Which of the concepts and skills required in the Common Core are not included in our states standards? To what degree do these Common Core expectations represent concepts and skills that are significantly different than what is currently included in our state standards e.g. Mathematical Practices? Which concepts and skills required in our states standards are not included in the Common Core? Which of these excluded state expectations address essential content that is unique to our state and that our state would consider adding (up to 15%) to the Common Core adoption? 12