A-801 Wednesday Section 1 W EDNESDAY, 12 TH S EPTEMBER, – 230 P. M.
Roadmap for today Getting to know each other – BINGO! House keeping My expectations of you Section structure Q & A re. housekeeping How do the pieces fit together Finding a problem & credible evidence Questions/AOB? Feedback 2
Introductions - 3 Who are we? Where are we coming from? Where are we going from here? BINGO!
Housekeeping 4 Syllabus = Best friend in A-801 – please read it Office hours – 2-3pm. Friday. Gutman 459 Each TF does one day a week Available by apptmt. – Phone/Skype Slots differ by TF – can attend any Pace yourself Paper details- I, II, III – done individually or as a group What to bring to section Readings Laptop/iPad
Housekeeping (contd.) 5 Drop box closes at the deadlines provided in the syllabus Meet with Fernando once this sem. (get on this early since his slots fill up quickly) Familiarize yourself with the class iSite – will be final this week
Section Norms? 6 How do we make this an inclusive learning environment? How do you interpret ‘section participation’? How do we ensure everyone’s learning, and learning well? Do we gauge progress & how? What are your expectations of me?
My expectations of you - 7 communication I don’t check after 9 p.m. 24 hrs. turn around time to respond Before a paper is due, 24 hrs. prior at least. Save the date – paper deadlines No extensions unless documentable evidence is provided to Fernando Extension requests to Fernando with a Cc to your section TF Authentic participation The 30,000 feet view – where is Person A coming from and what can I learn from this person? Continuous feedback – ‘facilitator’
My expectations of you - 8 Academic integrity HGSE Policy on Academic Integrity (Student Handbook, p. 56)Student Handbook ◦ All work submitted to meet course requirements is expected to be the student’s own. In the preparation of all papers and other written work submitted to meet course requirements and dissertations, a student must be careful to distinguish between ideas that are his or her own and those that have been derived from other sources. Information and opinions drawn from all sources are to be attributed specifically to these sources. It is the student’s responsibility to learn and use the proper forms of citation. Quotations must be properly placed within quotation marks and must be fully cited. All paraphrased material must also be fully cited. In all cases where ideas or material presented are derived from a student’s reading and research, the source used must be indicated. Students who submit work either not their own or without clear attribution to the original source, for whatever reason, face sanctions up to and including dismissal and expulsion.
My expectations of you - 9 Resources at your disposal APA Citations tutorial Paraphrasing tutorial Gutman Library Research & Writing Center services Your TFs! Explore Harvard & Boston Have fun while you learn Don’t be afraid to ask Don’t be hesitant to network – everyone does it! Section learning – you’re in the drivers seat
Section structure 10 Broad structure similar to today Each week 1-2 facilitators will lead – 1 hr. Focus on applying the reading Policy debate Case study Seminar on the readings What’s in the news? Send lesson plan via. (Sunday evening 5 p.m.) Get feedback – we talk on the phone on Monday. I will jump in if needed Process observers (perhaps?)
Where are we- Why do we learn from comparing? What don’t we learn? What is Education Policy? What are the current comparative cross natl. Studies & what are the “bright spots”? 12 Part 1. Introduction to Comparative and International Education [7 September – 6 October]
Today’s activity 13 Split into groups of 3 Pick a country of your interest In short, find a problem & collect evidence to justify the problem deserves attention Steps: Think of a research question of interest Explore the data sources STAT Planet – World Bank UIS Data Source Identify a target age group + indicators of interest De-brief in group setting
Note for Vanessa 14 1 thing that was good 1 thing that you didn’t enjoy as much