April 11, PM-3:30PM
Housekeeping: ◦ Webinar is being recorded ◦ Please ask questions by typing into question box End of Year Reports in iGrants ◦ Title I ◦ Gifted ◦ LAP Unexcused Absence and Weapons & Behavior Dual Credit Report (Report Card) J07 Limited English Proficiency Start Date 2 April 11, 2013
Recording will be posted at April 11, 2013
Title I, LAP and Gifted Prepopulated CEDARS data for each program: ◦ Student counts by grade, gender and federal race ◦ Cumulative number of students served during the entire school year ◦ Students served in program who were also LEP, special education, homeless and migrant CEDARS – Reports – Program ◦ Set start date to beginning of school year ◦ Start sharing data with program staff 4 April 11, 2013
These will be two separate EDS applications New User Roles (in addition to old roles): ◦ Unexcused Student Absences roles Unexcused Student Absences District Administrator Unexcused Student Absences User ◦ Behavior and Weapons roles Behavior and Weapons District Administrator Behavior and Weapons User Open and Close dates ◦ Both applications will open no later than May 31, 2013 ◦ Unexcused Student Absences application closes: July 8, 2013 ◦ Behavior and Weapons application closes: August 2, April 11, 2013
Prepopulated CEDARS data: ◦ Full day unexcused absences by grade, federal race, and special programs ◦ Weapons incidents and suspensions and expulsions by weapon type ◦ Behavior incidents and suspensions and expulsions by behavior type Each collection still has sections that will be hand entered, just like previous versions. 7 April 11, 2013
Published this fall Uses CEDARS data from Student Grade History, School Enrollment and District Enrollment Data reported is for the entire school year All Transfer courses are excluded from reporting with the exception of running start 8 April 11, 2013
When does the J07 date need to change? ◦ New students to your district/school ◦ New students to the LEP program ◦ Continuing students from last year 10 April 11, 2013
What does this impact in LEP application? ◦ Enrollment = J07, Start Date 11 April 11, 2013
Questions? 12 April 11, 2013
Information Technology Services, Customer Support: Emily Rang Meaghan Thompson Chatrina Jorgensen Magen (Meg) Blevins – Part Time (360) Division of Assessment and Student Information: Graduation and Dropouts: Transcripts: Ethnicity and Race Codes: Assessment online applications (WAMS, Query, CAA/CIA Status database): Graduation Requirements: (360) Data Governance: 13 April 11, 2013