INTRODUCTION Linguistics 187 / Cultural Anthropology 187 / English 187 / ICS 151C Variety in Language: English in the United States Duke University Erin Callahan-Price Spring 2011
Welcome! Housekeeping… Make sure you get a hard copy of the syllabus to look at during this class. We will look at most of the material as it is housed on the course blog, which we will use instead of Overview of the course material and instructor. Student Interest Inventory: Get a copy, work on it, bring it back next class.
Housekeeping, cont. Blog & Weekly/biweekly responses won't show up as users until you log in for the first time, then you’ll be promoted to the role of “author.” Anonymous option: alias and real name to Instructor Presentations (see next few slides) Guest speakers/bloggers Textbooks: in stock? Attendance, Illness, Missed Assignments Laptop/Phone Policy Suggestion box Questions? First line of defense: blog. 2 nd : 3 rd : Office hours (I may have an office!)
Presentations Voice thread option:
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