The Science of Fire
What we will learn today We will talk about how the heat, fuel and oxygen, working together, cause a chemical chain reaction.
We have already learned that: It takes three things to cause a fire –Heat - something that is hot –Fuel - something that will burn –Oxygen - the air all around us If we take any one of these things away, the fire cannot survive
What is the definition of fire? –Webster’s dictionary the active principal of burning, characterized by the heat and light of combustion –You or me flames, heat and smoke –Fire Fighter fast chemical reaction in which heat and light are produced and in which changes to oxygen take place.
Fire results from a chemical reaction between two or more materials –changes the materials, which produces heat, flames and toxic smoke
If you remove any one element, you prevent the chemical chain reaction that results from fire Fuel - or something that will burn Oxygen - or the air all around us
Removing Fuel –Education messages good housekeeping practices storage of flammable liquids –in approved containers –away from heat sources
Removing Heat –Control of smoking materials matches and lighters heating appliances candles –Suppression water cools a fire
Removing Oxygen –Stop, drop and roll –Smothering action