DELAWARE COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Presented to District Test Coordinators February 17, 2010
INTRODUCTION TO DCAS LONG TERM GOAL – Outstanding comprehensive assessment providing accurate information for use in the classroom and accountability But for now... SHORT TERM GOAL – Successful, stand alone FIELD TEST in Spring of 2010 We are committed and on our way....
WHAT IS DCAS? FIRST YEAR COMPONENTS to be included in the FIELD TEST SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS (multiple choice and machine-scored constructed response) MATH AND READING in grades 3 through 8 SCIENCE in grades 5 and 8 SOCIAL STUDIES in grades 4 and 7 End of Course (EOC) in Algebra I, Integrated Math I, English II, Biology BENCHMARK ASSESSMENTS (multiple choice and machine-scored constructed response) READING and MATH in grades All delivered via WEB-BASED ON LINE DELIVERY
DISTRICT/CHARTER SCHOOL PARTICIPATION WHAT TYPE OF PARTICIPATION BY DISTRICTS AND CHARTER SCHOOLS? DCAS District Liaison – identified by each district or charter DCAS Practice and Field Tests DCAS Item Review – for all content areas DCAS Focus Groups - for scoring and reporting DCAS School Readiness Teams – prepare schools for field test
DCAS Field Test Schedule Content AreaField Test Window Reading and Mathematics – Grades 2 – 10April 5, 2010 – May 28, 2010 Social Studies – Grades 4 and 7April 5, 2010 – May 28, 2010 Science – Grades 5April 5, 2010 – May 28, 2010 Science – Grades 8May 20, 2010 – June 11, 2010 End-of-Course (Algebra I, Integrated Math I, English II, Biology) May 10, 2010 – June 11, 2010 NOTES: The field tests will be delivered as randomized items, not adaptive Training Test Availability – March 22, 2010 – April 1, 2010
DCAS Item Review FULL DAY ITEM REVIEW IN ALL SUBJECTS Content AreaItem Review Dates Reading and MathematicsWeek 1 - February 24, 2010 – February 26, 2010 Week 2 - March 1, 2010 – March 4, 2010 Social Studies – Grades 4 and 7Week 2 – March 1, 2010 – March 4, 2010 Science – Grades 5 and 8Week 2 – March 1, 2010 – March 4, 2010 End-of-Course (Algebra I, Integrated Math I, English II, Biology) Week 3 – March 29, 2010 – April 1, 2010
DCAS Item Review Notes: Notification of item review selection and dates will be sent on Week of February 1, 2010 We limited participation to only 2 days per item reviewer to minimize impact on the classroom Vendor will pay for substitutes or stipends
DCAS Focus Groups FOCUS GROUPS TO DEVELOP REPORTING Two Focus Groups –Vendor led Principal/District –February 16, 2010 – February 19, 2010 (2 groups) Teacher –February 22, 2010 – February 25, 2010 (3 groups)
School Readiness Teams PREPARING FOR ON LINE DELIVERY Data Exchange to load student and teacher data into the system Single sign on integration Validation of School Personnel within Single Sign-on SCHOOL READINESS Network, bandwidth and computers readiness Scheduling of students, labs and rooms Preparing for students with special needs and in need of accommodations Training of district /school technology coordinators and instructional technology coordinators Training of school and district test administrators to be able to administer the tests on line, to be scheduled in February Student readiness Training of students to practice taking the tests on line, last two weeks in March
School Readiness Team Definition School Principal/Assistant Principal School Test Coordinator District Technology Coordinator District Instructional Technology Coordinator Special Education Coordinator Teacher Leader Optional: District Curriculum Director District Test Coordinator District Special Education Coordinator
SCHOOL READINESS CALENDAR GroupDateGeneral information Provided District Instructional Technology Coordinators February 18, 2010Provide DCAS information and training session School Readiness Team Meetings February 22, 2010 – February 24, 2010 and March 1, 2010 Meetings in each county that will bring together the school readiness teams for training and review of readiness documents. School Accommodation Training for Field Test TBD This training will provide additional guidance and documentation for selection of students to be included in field test School Readiness Team communication Week March 1, March 8, March 15, March 22, and March 29 Weekly follow-up s and communications with all school teams.
Key Dates –March 8: DCAS Portal is available –March 8: Secure browsers are available for download –March 15: Student Training Test site is available –March 15: TA Certification site is available.
CONTACT US COMMUNICATION PLANNING We are developing a comprehensive communication strategy to be rolled out the first week in February. Stay tuned. MAIN MESSAGE – The transition from a paper-pencil assessment to an online, computer adaptive test in such a short time will place extra demands on districts and schools this Spring. Our commitment to the Delaware educational community is to make the transition as easy and painless as we possibly can. And... Next year will be great! WHO TO CALL? Sylvia Gillpatrick, DCAS project manager at or at Wendy Pickett, DCAS project sponsor at or at