Statistics for the Terrified Paul F. Cook, PhD Center for Nursing Research
What Good are Statistics? “How big?” (“how much?”, “how many?”) –Descriptive statistics, including effect sizes –Describe a population based on a sample –Help you make predictions “How likely?” –Inferential statistics –Tell you whether a finding is reliable, or probably just due to chance (sampling error)
Answering the 2 Questions Inferential statistics tell you “how likely” –Can’t tell you how big –Can’t tell you how important –“Success” is based on a double negative Descriptive statistics tell you “how big” –Cohen’s d = –Pearson r (or other correlation coefficient) –Odds ratio x 1 – x 2 SD pooled
How Big is “Big”? Correlations –0 = no relationship, 1 = upper limit –+ = + effect, - = - effect –.3 for small,.5 for medium,.7 for large –r 2 = “percent of variability accounted for” Cohen’s d –Means are how many SDs apart?: 0 = no effect –.5 for small,.75 for medium, 1.0 for large Odds Ratio –1 = no relationship, 1 = + effect All effect size statistics are interchangeable!
How Likely is “Likely”? - Test Statistics A ratio of “signal” vs. “noise” X1X1 X2X2 x 1 – x 2 z = s 1 2 /n 1 + s 2 2 /n 2 “signal” : AKA, “between-groups variability” or “model” “noise” : AKA, “within-groups variability” or “error”
How do We Get the p-value? Chebyshev’s Theorem: SD 1.96 SD % z > is the critical value for p <.05 (half above, half below: always use a 2-tailed test unless you have reason not to)
Hypothesis Testing – 5 Steps 1.State null and alternative hypotheses 2.Calculate a test statistic 3.Find the corresponding p-value 4.“Reject” or “fail to reject” the null hypothesis (your only 2 choices) 5.Draw substantive conclusions Red = statistics, blue = logic, black = theory
How Are the Questions Related? “Large” z = a large effect (d) and a low p But z depends on sample size; d does not –Every test statistic is the product of an effect size and the sample size –Example: = 2 / N A significant result (power) depends on: –What alpha level ( ) you choose –How large an effect (d) there is to find –What sample size (n) is available
What Type of Test? N-level predictor (2 groups): t-test or z-test N-level predictor (3+ groups): ANOVA (F-test) I/R-level predictor: correlation/regression N-level dependent variable: 2 or logistic reg. Correlation answers the “how big” question, but can convert to a t-test value to also answer the “how likely” question
The F test ANOVA = “analysis of variance” Compares variability between groups to variability within groups Signal vs. noise MSEb avg. difference among means F = = MSEw avg. variability within each group
Omnibus and Post Hoc Tests The F-test compares 3+ groups at once Benefit: avoids “capitalizing on chance” Drawback: can’t see individual differences Solution: post hoc tests –Bonferroni correction for 1-3 comparisons (uses an “adjusted alpha” of.025 or.01) –Tukey test for 4+ comparisons
F and Correlation (eta-squared) SS b eta 2 = = % of total variability that is due SS total to the IV (i.e., R-squared) The F-Table: SSdfMSF p BetweenBetweenSS b / df b MS b / MS w.05 WithinWithinSS w / df w Total (= SS b + SS w )(= df b + df w )
Correlation Seen on a Graph Moderate Correlation Same Direction, Weak Correlation Same Direction, Strong Correlation
Regression and the F-test The line of best fit (minimizes sum of squared residuals) Predicted value Actual value Error variance (residual) Model variance (predicted) Avg. SS model variance F = Avg. SS error variance
Parametric Test Assumptions Tests have restrictive assumptions: –Normality –Independence –Homogeneity of variance –Linear relationship between IV and DV If assumptions are violated, use a nonparametric alternative test: –Mann-Whitney U instead of t –Kruskal-Wallis H instead of F –Chi-square for categorical data
Chi-Square The basic nonparametric test Also used in logistic regression, SEM Compares observed values (model) to observed minus predicted values (error) Signal vs. noise again Easily converts to phi coefficient: = √ 2 / N ( F o - F e ) 2 2 = F e
2-by-2 Contingency Tables
Dependent Observations Independence is a major assumption of parametric tests (but not nonparametrics) Address non-independence by collapsing scores to a single observation per participant: –Change score = posttest score – pretest score –Can calculate SD (variability) of change scores Determine if the average change is significantly different from zero (i.e., “no change”): –t = (average change – zero) / (SDchange / √ n ) –Nonparametric version: Wilcoxon signed-rank test
ANCOVA / Multiple Regression Statistical “control” for confounding variables – no competing explanations Method adds a “covariate” to the model: –That variable’s effects are “partialed out” –Remaining effect is “independent” of confound One important application: ANCOVA –Test for post-test differences between groups –Control for pre-test differences Multiple regression: Same idea, I/R-level DV –Stepwise regression finds “best” predictors
“Unique Variability” for IV1 “Unique Variability” for IV2 “Shared Variability” for IV1 & IV2 Unexplained variability remaining for the dependent variable This circle represents all of the variability that exists in the dependent variable Independent Variable #1 Independent Variable #2 This is the amount of variability in the DV that can be accounted for by its association with IV1 This is the amount of variability in the DV that can be accounted for by its association with IV2 The “unique variability” is the part of the variability in the DV that can be accounted for only by this IV (and not by any other IV) The “shared variability” is the part of the variability in the DV that can be accounted for by more than one DV. When two IVs account for the same variability in the DV (i.e., when there is shared variability), they are “multicollinear” with each other. What’s left over (variability in the DV not accounted for by any predictor) is considered “error”—random (i.e., unexplained) variability
DV IV1 IV2 The percentage of variability in the DV that can be accounted for by an IV is the definition of R 2 —the coefficient of determination. This graph can also be used to show the percentage of the variability in the DV that can be accounted for by each IV. If … “Total” R 2 for IV1 & IV2 together = All unique variability for the IVs (not including any shared) Total SS for the DV is 30% of … … then the Total R 2 is.30
DV IV1 IV2 Semipartial R 2 for IV1 = The semipartial R 2 is the percentage of variability in the DV that can be accounted for by one individual predictor, independent of the effects of all of the other predictors. A related concept is the idea of a “semipartial R 2, which tells you what % of the variability in the DV can be accounted for by each IV on its own, not counting any shared variability. is 20% of … If … Type III SS for IV1 Total SS for the DV … then the semipartial R 2 for IV1 is.20
Lying with Statistics Does the sample reflect your population? Is the IV clinically reasonable? Were the right set of controls in place? Is the DV the right way to measure outcome? Significant p-value = probably replicable –APA task force: always report exact p-value Large effect size = potentially important –APA, CONSORT guideline: always report effect size Clinical significance still needs evaluation
What We Cover in Quant II Basic issues –Missing data, data screening and cleaning –Meta-analysis –Factorial ANOVA and interaction effects Multivariate analyses –MANOVA –Repeated-Measures ANOVA Survival analysis Classification –Logistic regression –Discriminant Function Analysis Data simplification and modeling –Factor Analysis –Structural Equation Modeling Intensive longitudinal data (hierarchical linear models) Exploratory data analysis (cluster analysis, CART)