I can read, analyze, and evaluate important information related to my group’s case study of Nationalistic Movements. I can present this information to my peers in a relevant in effective manner.
Nationalism was the most powerful idea of the 1800’s It upset the balance of power created by the Congress of Vienna
Nationalists believed that people of a single “nationality” should unite under a single government
Authoritarian rulers saw potential in using Nationalism to unify masses of people together and build countries that kept them in power
1. Unification 2. Separation 3. State-Building
Unification Mergers of politically divided but culturally similar lands 19 th Century Germany 19 th Century Italy
Separation Culturally distinctive group resists being added to a state or breaks away from a state Greeks from the Ottomans French Speaking Canadians
State Building Culturally distinct groups form into a state by accepting a single culture United States
Case Studies In groups we will look at different nationalistic movements around the world during this time period. Your group’s job will be to share that information with the class. You have this class period to read, understand, take notes, and decide how to share that information with the class. Poster, notes under the doc cam, PowerPoint slides, etc. Monday: you will present information from your case study to the class. The class will learn from you and take notes on your case study.
Presentation – Participation Points Everyone should speak Break up the information evenly and plan your presentation Remember to speak slowly because other students will be taking notes You are not just reading your notes! It is your responsibility to teach the class about your specific Case Study!
Information Needed Was the movement a unification, separatist, or state-building movement? What were the conditions before the nationalistic movement? What caused the movement? What were the main events during the revolution? What were the immediate results of the Revolution? What were the long-term effects of the movement?
Nationalism Movement Options Germany Italy Austria Ottoman Empire Russia China Ireland India