Pol Sc 341 Winter term 2013 Case Study Presentations and Papers Purpose Topics/ Dates Team Process Evaluation
Purpose To promote class involvement and discussion To research and analyze “case studies” of public management reform To learn and apply team skills To make effective presentations To undertake individual written analysis of selected aspects of the case
Potential Dates for Team Presentations March 25 March 27 April 1 April 3 April 8
Possible Topics…Federal Accountability post-Gomery report Program review (expenditure reform) Public-Private Partnerships Employment Equity issues Freedom of Information/transparency in government Defence procurement Reforming Indian Band government
Possible topics…provincial Budget Options (revenues, expenditures, balance) Program review (expenditure reform) Municipal mergers Privatization (eg NS Power, Ont Hydro, Alberta liquor stores) P-P-Ps for transportation and other infrastructure Outsourcing
Team Process Select members..sign-up sheet…by March 15 at latest Teams meet to organize their work Decide who is to present what Do a dry run among yourselves Present on the day (30 minutes max) Take questions/ promote class discussion
Individual Papers Each student to write a separate paper covering one aspect of the team’s case Can follow naturally from student’s research for team effort and their role in presentation. E.g. a specific example within the overall theme, or results in a specific province Due within a week of the presentation.
Evaluation (overall: 40 % of final mark) Presentation worth 25%; paper 15%. Presentation mark is a group mark, paper mark is individual. Both peer and instructor evaluation of presentations. Presentations evaluated on: presentation skills (eg. Clarity,Technical skill, On-time) Content (Comprehension of material; effective argument of the case –pro’s and con’s; issues for discussion).