Generating a utopian society
Over the course of the year, we have studied various works of literature where communities are different from one another. The community presented in Messenger known as Village is a place that was founded on the ideas of welcoming all people with no discrimination based on their past, abilities, physical condition, or place of origin, which is more of a utopian society. In Anne Frank's world, you see life is more of a dystopian society where people are cast out for their differences.
Purpose Over the course of the next few days, your group will… look at all of the various components that are required to develop a community of your own. explore how each of these components relate to one another, and how changes in one area can greatly affect several others. decide how each of these components will look in a community that you develop.
Format Your final product must be done in the format of a PowerPoint, Prezi, Poster, Booklet, Video Trailer, Video,Comic book etc. I want you to not only use the information you’ve learned about the idea of utopia and dystopia in class, but I also want you to use your creativity in creating this “ideal” society.
Group responsibilities Everyone in the group must decide on who will be assigned to complete the duties and tasks. EVERYONE must contribute to something. Before making a final decision about each topic, the group must consent to the decision. You will be graded on your presentation and the work throughout the process.. I will be monitoring your progress throughout the week. The members of the group will also give you a grade for your contributions to the group. Each member of the group will be given a grading sheet. For each required element of your community, you will need to provide a written response that explains the details people will need to know if they move there.
Grading - Formative The formative will be out of 100 points; you will be graded on the project, the presentation, for group participation (your group members and teacher will decide this). See rubric.
Introduction Some type of introduction must be included; you must have the name of your utopian society, a group-created logo or drawing, and all names of the group’s members.
Name Choose a creative and appropriate name to represent your new society.
Location Report Where is it located? Describe the weather and climate Describe the physical environment How do the weather, climate, and physical environment affect your community? Hurricanes, blizzards, droughts, etc. Rocky, open plains, forest, water, etc.
Declaration of Independence Write a brief statement describing the reason why you formed your utopian society. In this statement you must answer the following questions 1. What don’t you like about your current society? 2. How has the current society broken your trust or not met your expectations? 3. Why do you feel the need to form a more perfect society? 4. How will your society be different? 5. Does your society have some of the same characteristics as your current society? Yes or No – If yes, then tell which ideas are the same.
Motto This is a statement that tells people the most important ideal or belief of your community Example: the motto of the United States is “In God We Trust.” Create a meaningful motto that depicts your society.
Seal This is a symbol or image that represents your country. It can be one simple picture, or a complex image that has many parts that each represent something different. See the example of the Great Seal of the United States of America
Flag This is the banner that is flown over buildings and areas controlled by your community. Just like the seal, it represents your country. Each part of the flag has a deeper meaning, so make sure you can explain the choices you make when creating your flag.
Animal or mascot What animal would best symbolize your society? Explain your choice, and include a picture of the animal.
List of 10 laws Develop a list of 10 laws that all community members must follow. Provide an explanation for each law.
Type of Government Will you have a democracy, anarchy, a monarchy, a dictatorship, or will you have a mixed government (combines elements of all types of government)? How will your government make decisions?
Holidays and Celebrations Create 2 or more unique holidays and celebrations that your society will have throughout the year. Make sure you include a date, a reason why you chose these dates, and how you celebrate.
Level of Technology How simple or advanced will technology be in your utopia? How will it be used? ? What role will scientific pursuits play? What will your energy sources be? How will you dispose of society’s wastes? Describe the exact time period your community will start in. Describe some of the technology your community will have access to. How will the level of technology affect the following: Food Housing Jobs
Housing and Description of Family Units Describe construction of house (consider environment) What will family units be like?
Economics What systems will be in place for the production and distribution of goods and services? What form of currency will you use? How is wealth distributed? Meaning, will there be a high, middle, lo w class? Will your economy be independent or reliant on the rest of the world?
Job/Employment Why will the work force look like, if there is one?
Education What will your system of education be like?
Recreation entertainment free Time What will people do in their free time in your society?